It may be my imagination, but after doing a couple of hundred miles this
weekend I could have sworn I felt significantly more buzz/vibration than
usual. I checked for proper tire inflation as a first thought (they were
fine) but couldn't come up with any other clues. My fingers began to numb
out fairly quickly and that hasn't happened before. Any clues?

I'm also now a proud owner of the Garmin III Plus (thanks to Louis Tweed for
comments on his Garmin!) and I'd like to hard wire it. I haven't looked at
wiring, but after talking to another rider this weekend he said most bikes
have an extra "set" of wires. What's involved in adding a cigarette style
plug in for the Garmin?

After owning my '94 for about 8 months I love it more each time I ride and
have some great trips to look forward to this summer!

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