> So, there I was at the top of Snow Shoe Mountain, WV Memorial Day weekend
> when I pull up to the hotel. I woman was putting the cover on her BMW
> with one of her riding partners. They looked at the GTS and then at each
> other and said "Kelly Cash has one of those!" Let's see....Kelly is in CA
> and were in WV.....small world! Anyway, Kelly used to live in the Northern
> Va. area and I guess these are some old acquaintances. I just smiled.

Yeah, it's a curse.  Movie and Rock Stars have it easy.  I'm a 
household word.  Everyone who's ANYONE knows me.  ;-)

Seriously, you should'a said "Hi!"  I suspect it was someone from
my old Virago Owner's Club chapter.  They go to Snowshoe every year.
In fact, I'll forward your message to 'em.  They'll get a kick out
of knowing that you recognized the name.


 Kelly Cash                                        Main: 408-727-5497
 Solid Data Systems                                 FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051                             www.soliddata.com

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