I've already logged over 4500 miles on my gts, rental cars and company car
since June 27th and now I'm definitely going off the deep end.  My wife is
on severance from Kodak, the kids are off for the summer (soon to be 7 & 9)
and I can work and travel simultaneously...so .....

Mid week this week, I'll pile the family into the Odyssey and head west
across Canada...Parry Sound, Sudbury, Saulte St. Marie, Thunder Bay, Regina,
Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper, Banff, Calgary, Glacier National,
Yellowstone, Grand Teton, BandLands, Mt Rushmore, Chicago (gotta see
Sue...the T-Rex) then tow a piece of equipment home from Batavia, IL. to be
home on August 4th!  Over 6000 more miles (I'm friggin nuts folks!)

Other than that I'm not doing much this month.  Hope to see some of you in
my travels.  Robert Wilson....definitely later this week (I'll know more
tomorrow), Grant, etc

Have fun, safe riding to all

Shawn Pearsall
Not your Good Buddy Type!

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