> Kelly,
> I trust you made it home OK.  Did you get the Bun Burner? 
I did, thanks!  I meant to throw a message together and send to 
the list that I'd landed okay.  Been catching up on a lot of 
things, sleep most notably.  Yes, got the Bun Burner.  For the
rest of you who didn't hear what I was doing: 
I'd planned on a Saddlesore 2000 from Toronto (Maxine's place) to
Brooks, Alberta.  Then the next day, a Saddlesore 1000 to Roger's
place in Oregon.  But that left 675 miles to home, so I decided
that I'd turn the SS1000 into a Bun Burner 1500.  (1500 miles in
36 hours)  So I rode about 3,700 miles in 3 1/2 days.  A new
personal record for endurance riding.  (and one that's likely to
stand for quite awhile, though Roger's trying to talk me into
doing the Iron Butt Rally ;-)

> It was good to see you, if for only a brief time. 
Indeed!  It was great seeing you and Karen, and your hospitality 
was wonderful.  (And I must say, you get serious style points for
riding 125 miles north to meet me just to escort me to your place!)

> You'll have to come up sometime when we
> can explore Oregon and Washington on the bikes.  Maybe I 
> should put together a GTS ride up here.  Something to think about.
I'd love that!  I've done very little exploring in the Pacific
Northwest, and want very much to do more of it.  Seattle at night
was beautiful.  (and such good weather too)  Too bad there was no 
shoulder on the freeway for me to stop and snap a couple pictures.

It was great seeing all the other GTSers along the way:
Fred Grefe and Louis Tweed in Northern Virginia; Maxine in Toronto
(whose hospitality was also truly wonderful, and she's a great tour
guide too!); Robert Wilson in Manitoba (we even rode a side trip
to his place in Neelin, although I opted not to ride ALL the way
to it over grassy patches);  Jason Crowley in Calgary.

Phil, you're forgiven for not riding up to Albuquerque to meet me
for dinner-  I got in there about 11:00, WAY late for dinner.

I'll do a complete writeup of the trip and forward it on.


 Kelly Cash                                      Direct: 408-845-5762
 Sr. Systems Engineer                              Main: 408-845-5700
 Solid Data Systems                                 FAX: 408-727-5496
 2945 Oakmead Village Court                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Santa Clara, CA  95051                             www.soliddata.com

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