I, myself alway use protective clothing and in general don't think it should
be a law to wear it because I think the freedom we have becomes less and
less. If every risk is arranged by law, in a couple off years we are not
allowed to sport, drive or come outside anymore.

But on the other hand the fools riding without the right clothing are making
a lot of costs when it goes wrong and the dutch people have to pay for that.
Last summer I spoke a guy wearing  onley a helmet and swimtrousers and he
said I: I know it's dangerous but today I drive carefull. I said: Yeah
that's true,later you put on you protective gear because you know then
you're gonna smash your bike into a car.

Fred Schneider

> In the Netherlands there's talk about legislation about wearing protective
> clothing on a bike. This protection will have to be approved bij some
> standard, (iso). Reading the last few stories on this subject, I feel our
> government is willing to do the right thing. If people are stupid enough
> ride without protective gear, the law might help them. This summe I saw
> several bright guys riding at very high speeds (+ 200km/h) in just a pair
> shorts, a T-shirt and open slippers.Penalties are to be quite severe.

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