I have read an article about altering the injection of a Moto Guzzi quota
(my other bike).
This is an older injection system (1992) but the GTS is from the same
period. The writer knows a lot about car-injections and altered his quota to
moderner standards.

He did a lot more as discribed below but those things are quota specific.

I don't know how the system is on a GTS but on a car the injectionpressure
is regulated on the pressureregulator by the vacuum of the intakemanifold.
The Quota has a fixed pressure. I see no vacuum hose on the GTS so maby here
it is the same (or the ECU alters pressure)
He connected the intakemanifolts to the regulator (it already had a
connection what was not in use)

Second he removed a seal of the regulator and under that was a
regulatorscrew to alter the pressure. I don't know if the GTS has a regultor
because I have no book. Until now I onley experimented with the TPS and ECU
screws and mine runs fine now.

But I think it is worth the trouble looking for the above mentioned because
this are easy and cheap things to try. But there are plenty of people on
this list who realy know what they are talking about. I'm just an amateur
without any technical education.

Fred Schneider

About the earthconnection problems. When a wire is broken it is possible to
measure no resistance because there is still contact. But when there is a
heavy current over it the resistance can become to high and the voltage
drops. The second thing is that you measure no resistance and then you begin
th fold or strech the wire and suddenly on a point there becomes a
resistance. So first it seemed the wire is good. You see that sometimes on
Gituarcables. You play and when you move the cable it distorts but when you
messure the cable it's OK. Most times it has an internal fracture.

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