Its a terrible thing I know. Its like some sort of sickness but some
people just can't leave well enough alone and of course everyone has
there own idea of what the perfect bike would be. I for one like to see
individualism even if it would mean I would have to see alot of the same
threads go by over and over again. I never know when someone will come
up with something helpful or useful to me. Yes it is a sport tourer but
I doubt that you could even get everyone on this list to agree on
exactly what the perfect sport tourer would be. I bit my tongue when the
shaft drive thread came through awhile back because I didn't feel I had
any useful information to offer just my own strong personal preference
for chain drive. One of the reasons I bought a GTS is because I knew
there were things I could do to taylor the bike more towards my own
taste. However awful that might be to someone else hey its my bike and
my money. Its funny guys that try to make the GTS more comfortable don't
get that leave it alone spiel whats so bad about getting more ponies or
making it sound different ? Leave it alone yeah right if only I could.
My R1 didn't stay stock long either of all things, imagine putting
Heli's on an R1. I know its not supposed to be comfortable it just
sounded like a good idea what can I say. My two pennies.