At 20:00 25/09/00 -0400, you wrote:
>45MPG on the open highway and about 31 around

At first sight, the same as me, but aren't U.S. gallons smaller?  I thought 
you had 16 fluid ounce pints, therefore 1 gallon = 16 x 8 = 128 fl. oz., 
and we had
20 fluid ounce pints, therefore 1 gallon = 20 x 8 = 160 fl. oz.

Therefore, if I used U.S. gallons, I'd be getting 36 on the open road and 
24.8mpg round town!  At about $4.70 per U.S. gallon, if my theory of the 
16oz pint is correct :-(

But perhaps I'm getting confused (duh!) because I haven't been to the U.S. 
since seven years ago, and in the U.K. petrol has only been sold by the 
litre for many years, even though no-one EVER talks or thinks about miles 
per litre or even kilometres per litre, always m.p.g.!  Does this make 
sense to anyone?

David Thurgate
Kawasaki ZX750-A1 in Tony Foale HCS frame
Current status:  Dismantled!
Yamaha GTS1000a in Yamaha HCS frame
Current status:  Taxed and tested!

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