Hi Chase,
I recently did the mod to my tank , that you need to do to yours.
Remove the tank , find some containers to put your gas in.
Its best if you use up most of your gas first .
At the bottom of the tank is a drain bolt to remove the last bit of
gas .
Now remove the small bolts that hold the fuel pump/pipes
( the pump is in the tank ) Now remove the pump , you need to
turn it abit , to get it out .
I vented the tank over night using a fan to blow air at/through
the tank.
You need a plastic bag , some tape ( i used duct tape )
and a dremell cutting tool .
Inside the tank you will see the flapper / neck.
Feel for the lip around the neck inside , this is where you
should aim to cut through.
Wrap the plastic bag around the neck ( inside )above the lip,      use the
tape or a zip tie to hold it there. It catches the metal filings and reduces
the chance of sparks inside the tank.
Now look inside the filler neck see where the weld is , you need
to cut just below this , with the dremell using a cutting disc.
When you have cut the neck out remove any burrs.
Now rebuild tank , remember to tighten the DRAIN BOLT.
Job done .

                                atb Nick T

PS thanks to the list for telling me how to do it in the first place.
I don't remember who told me and can't find it in earlier messages.
I hope i've explained operation to list standards.

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