Hi Dave,

On 21 May 2013 17:30, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:
> <historian hat>


> There is a guadec-planning mailing list. It was the primary mailing list
> for (private) team communications from when I first became involved in
> GUADEC planning until the Hague. Desktop Summit in Berlin used a
> different forum, and I wasn't so involved in last year's organisation,
> so it's entirely possible that the Coruna team used different processes.
> There is a bug from 2011 asking to have the list "reset", but that bug
> was closed, I'm still a member, and looking at the archives it doesn't
> look like it was used then. So perhaps that "reset" never happened.
> https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/guadec-planning

Interesting, I didn't know about this. It's not listed when you go to
https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo .

> https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=662045
> The guadec-planning list was the continuity channel - organisers from
> previous years stayed subscribed in following years, and occasionally
> shared their experiences with the local team. That ended when someone
> (can't recall who - perhaps Behdad or Olav?) "cleaned up" the list one
> year and unsubscribed everyone to resubscribe current organisers.
> Private email and f2f is bad for opening/tracing event organisation -
> there's no opportunity to offer to participate, there's no record of
> past discussions, there's no way for future generations to learn from
> the past.
> As someone who invited keynotes for most of the past 10 years, I have
> been surprised not to see lists of potential keynotes, or not to be
> asked to invite some people I've suggested. I'm happy to defer to how
> you want to do it, but I don't think this year has been optimal.
> </historian hat>

Thanks for the perspective.

>> There is a guadec-organization list that was created recently and is
>> private that we could use for non-public discussions though we haven't
>> been using it for that yet. It's currently just set as the default
>> place where various email addresses @guadec.org end up so that the org
>> team can deal with them in a distributed fashion.
> I would recommend switching to the traditional and long-established
> guadec-planning instead of guadec-organization, before the new list
> builds up a lot of traffic.

I don't see why we shouldn't use that list indeed. I wouldn't have
asked Andrea Veri to create gnome-organization if I knew about it.

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