
On 08/02/2015, Ole Aamot <o...@oka.no> wrote:
> Sorry for interrupting, but have the local GNOME hackers in
> the GUADEC 2015 organizing committee decided on specific
> dates for GUADEC 2015 yet?

They should be announced within the next week, as soon as there's an
official booking confirmation for the venue. Unless something really
unexpected happens, it will be start of August. The call for papers
will go out about the same time that the dates are announced.

> I could not find this information on the Wiki pages
> https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2015
> https://wiki.gnome.org/AndreasNilsson/GUADEC2015Bid
> The GUADEC 2015 sponsorship brochure at
> https://github.com/gnome-design-team/gnome-marketing/blob/master/guadec/2015/sponsorship-brochure.pdf
> mentions that in 2015, GUADEC will be split in 6 days.
> Day 1 to 3: Conference days
> Day 3 to 6: Work days
> I guess the decision on dates first of all depends on
> what dates the potential speakers are available.
> https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2015/PotentialSpeakers
> So, did anyone ask potential speakers about dates?
> --
> ____/|
> \ o.O|  Ole Aamot, o...@oka.no, http://oka.no/
>  =(_)=
>    U    "Meow!"
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