On 7 April 2016 at 21:38, Benjamin Berg <benja...@sipsolutions.net> wrote:
> Moin,
> was in the Z10, and our event has been moved to Saturday because there
> is a collision.
>   http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/261893140#map=17/49.00959/8.41514
> I also dropped by at the AKK earlier yesterday (sorry, was totally out
> in the meeting so I didn't mention it). As it wasn't a big deal I put
> in a motion to open the AKK for us on Thursday evening. We are allowed
> to BBQ outside, but it needs to be free and for conference guests only.
> It might also be possible to sell food, but that requires extra
> permits.
>    http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/427730736#map=16/49.0112/8.4158
> So that would give us right now:
>  Thursday: BBQ at AKK
>  Friday: ?
>  Saturday: Z10 beer event
>  Sunday: ?
> That leaves us with Friday/Sunday. We could do a picnic/football
> combination on either of these days on e.g. Alter Rasen:
>  https://www-02.asta.kit.edu/en/angebote/sportplatz
>  http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/24821300#map=15/49.0164/8.4152
> Does all this sound sane?
> Does anyone have other ideas for either Friday/Sunday?
> Is there a preferred day for picnic/football?

Lets do football and picnic on Friday as some people will already
leave on Sunday. I think it would be good to have Sunday event-free as
having something every night can get a bit much and everyone will
probably appreciate a break by then. We can always resume listing
meeting places on the BoF evenings.

> In the last years we always had a billiard evening. I have two ideas
> right now (ruling out anything where smoking is permitted inside):
>  * Church-Chill Sports Bar (haven't been there myself)
>    http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2375926570#map=14/48.9995/8.4095
>    http://sportsbar-karlsruhe.de/
>  * Lago Bowling
>    http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/96860719#map=14/49.0084/8.3997
>    http://www.lago-bowling.de/
> Benjamin
> PS: Some more info on https://etherpad.gnome.org/p/guadec-social-events
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