On Thu, 15 Nov 2018 at 09:37, Ismael Olea <ism...@olea.org> wrote:
> Just to left here I've updated the post at my blog with some details about 
> the conference: http://olea.org/diario/2018/10/05/GUADEC_2018_numbers.html
> I looked where to put the link to be easy to discover for next conferences 
> bidders and organizers at https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2018/ but found no 
> best place than https://wiki.gnome.org/GUADEC/2018/Feedback

What about on one of the "how to" pages about organising? Various
pages there should already contain the relevant information anyway :)

> Hope it helps.
> --
> Ismael Olea
> http://olea.org/diario/
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