Al 2.004 ja havia llegit articles així.
Un denominador comú: Sempre hi havia un interés comercial d'algú, en aquest és Sprint, en altres era X o Y. Estic segur que quan aquesta "new generation" of devices existeixi, farem servir wimax, o com sigui que es digui quan arribi. Mentre els padrins continuin fent la eqüació cost/benefici, hi ha el que hi ha, i tranquils que quan surti diferent, que això del ferro sempre canvia, doncs serem els primers de canviar, ja ho hem fet altres vegades.

En/na Josep Vives ha escrit:

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Date: 2008/10/21
Subject: [IP] Wimax

Sembla que Wimax pot canviar força les coses en el mercat de la telefonia mòbil. Les empreses que hi entrin al principi poden tenir avantatge. Esperem que aquí la CMT sigui llesta i estableixi el marc que permeti que es desenvolupi a temps.

A reveure, Martí

        Tot l'article a


        October 13th, 2008

  Beyond mobile broadband, WiMAX is about blowing up the wireless
  business model <>

Posted by Jason Hiner @ 3:03 am

On Wednesday in Baltimore at the official launch of America's first mobile WiMAX network, Sprint CTO Barry West said that if this was only about launching a new type of network with faster performance then it would be significant. However, it is abundantly clear that for West, Sprint, and their band of high-profile WiMAX partners, this is about a lot more than just a faster mobile network.

What is it about? What's the subtext? Here's my interpretation:

    * It is about unleashing a new generation of applications and
      devices with broadband connectivity.
    * It is about changing the balance of power in the cellular industry.
    * It is about bringing wireless broadband to the masses by making
      it less expensive and more open.
    * It is about turning the U.S. from a laggard into a leader in the
      mobile world.
    * It is about a bunch of underdogs who are trying to leapfrog a
      set of powerful, entrenched leaders.

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Josep Vives Jounou

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