A veure si la CMT s'anima a fer seminaris oberts i participatius per a
discutir la "governance" de les telecomunicacions, com la la seva homologa
desl USA

---------- Forwarded message ----------

 Para los que esteis interesados en “Internet Governance”, la FCC organiza
una serie de seminarios abiertos, gratuitos y participativos. El de hoy ya
nos lo perdemos pq era a las 10 de la mañana (costa este) pero para el 15 de
diciembre hay otro que pinta también muy interesante.

*Sujet : *

Open Internet Workshops

*Date : *

Tue, 8 Dec 2009 10:06:04 -0500

*De : *

Newmedia <newme...@fcc.gov> <newme...@fcc.gov>

*Pour : *


Good morning,

Thank you for your interest in FCC Updates and OpenInternet.gov.  Today
marks the start of a series of public workshops that will focus on key
aspects of the Open Internet rulemaking.  Each workshop will be livestreamed
and open to public participation.


Currently scheduled workshops include:

Technical Advisory Process Workshop on Broadband Network Management

10:00am EST  -  Dec. 8, 2009.  Washington, DC

Speech, Democratic Engagement, and the Open Internet

1:00pm EST  -  Dec. 15, 2009.  Washington, DC

You can share your thoughts and submit questions to panelists during the
workshops on the FCC’s Facebook <http://www.facebook.com/FCC> or
Myspace<http://www.myspace.com/fcc>pages, through the crowd sourcing
Ideascale <http://openinternet.ideascale.com/>, via e-mail<newme...@fcc.gov>,
or on twitter <http://twitter.com/fcc> using #OiWkshp.  Join the discussion
and learn more at http://www.openinternet.gov/workshops/.

  New Media Team

Federal Communications Commission
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