Hi all,

> ...
> Note that the `define-module' form at the top is related to the error
> -- without it, both examples work just fine.  (Wild speculation: Is it
> possible that in the context of changes to the "current module" that
> `define-syntax' puts bindings in a place different from where the
> expander is looking for them?)

Some (potentially misguided) digging around in psyntax.scm suggests
that changes to the current module (via `eval-when' forms, e.g.)
indeed are not properly reflected in the expansion environment within
"chi-top-sequence" because of re-use of the hygiene structure (or
"mod" as it's often referred to in psyntax).  The problem goes away
when I construct a fresh mod for expansion of each expression in the

(define chi-top-sequence
  (lambda (body r w s m esew mod)
    (build-sequence s
      (let dobody ((body body) (r r) (w w) (m m) (esew esew) (mod mod))
        (if (null? body)
          (let ((first (chi-top (car body) r w m esew (cons 'hygiene
(module-name (current-module))))))
            (cons first (dobody (cdr body) r w m esew (cons 'hygiene
(module-name (current-module)))))))))))

But that doesn't strike me as being the whole story.  Anyone have some
cycles to help me figure what the right thing to do is here?


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