Hey Andy,

> Somehow we had the name of (rnrs bytevectors) wrong -- it was (rnrs
> bytevector). I've renamed it in git, which should make it into the
> 1.9.11 prerelease tonight. Sorry for the confusion!

While you're looking at that, what do you want to do about the version
of that module (and of (rnrs io ports))?  For the purposes of R6RS,
the bytevectors library should be available as (rnrs bytevectors (6)).

(If people are opposed to adding the `:version' keyword to the module
definition and moving the file into modules/rnrs/6/, another
possibility is that we could create an R6RS library "wrapper" that has
the right version and just imports and re-exports everything from the
"native" bytevectors module.)


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