Putting it in single quotes should work.  E.g. " '[' ".  Similarly,
you can add a literal single quote by making it part of a character
class.  E.g. " ['] ".

You're right, I should definitely add something about that to the documentation.

Any other weak parts you've noticed while perusing?

On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 9:25 PM, Noah Lavine <noah.b.lav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again,
> I've run into another issue with the parser that should be addressed
> in the documentation (or the code?).
> How do you match a character that is used in the PEG grammar, like
> "["? Can you only define such matchers via s-expressions?
> Noah
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 12:17 AM, Noah Lavine <noah.b.lav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> It flattens until you have a list where each element either:
>>> 1. Is an atom.
>>> or 2. Is a list whose first element is in the list of keywords.
>>> So the car of the argument will change if it's a list that doesn't
>>> start with the right keyword.  E.g.:
>>> (keyword-flatten '(a) '((c (a b)) (a b) (b a))) ->
>>> (c (a b) (a b) b a)
>> I see.
>>> That's odd.  Could you paste in the lambda expression it generates?
>> Wait, actually, I realized it was my own error. My test function was
>> using nonterminals, but I had only done (define grammar-string ....),
>> not (define-grammar grammar-string). I think the generated code tried
>> to call the nonterminals that should have been there, and threw an
>> error when it didn't find them.
>> The peg matcher is really awesome. I am glad to be able to use it soon.
>> Noah

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