Andy Wingo <> writes:
> Have patience :)  We will get there in time.  The process of
> consensus-building is work.  This is a very important decision to make,
> and its engineering implications are large.  We've only been discussing
> it for a week :)

Words of wisdom, to be sure.  For what it's worth, I very much
appreciate not only your excellent hacks, but also your talents at
fostering a friendly environment in which a community can flourish.
Ultimately, that's far more important than any technical issue.

Just please be aware that it is easier to be relaxed about a debate when
you're comfortable with the status quo, and when your approval is
required before changes can be made.  Don't get me wrong; I do not
begrudge that you have this authority.  You are a wise and fair-minded
maintainer, and saying "no" (when warranted) is one of your most
important roles.

I merely point out that, besides any differences in personality (and I
concede that I have much to learn from you about how to foster a
friendly community), in this debate you are in an inherently more
comfortable position than I am.


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