On Fri 16 Dec 2011 16:27, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:

> To my mind, top-level (module) variables are conceptually part of every
> lexical environment placed within that module.


> (define foo 'module-a)
> (define-syntax alt-environment
>   (syntax-rules ()
>     ((_) (the-environment))))

> and then evaluate the following within module B:

> (define foo 'module-b)
> (local-eval 'foo (alt-environment))

> What should the result be?

> My guess is that it should return 'module-a, because I think
> conceptually it should act as though the local-expression passed to
> `local-eval' were put in place of (the-environment), wherever that

Dunno, I could make an argument either way :)  Another question is how
would local environments relate to procedural macros.


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