On Tue 03 Jan 2012 22:44, Mark H Weaver <m...@netris.org> writes:

> If this single file is to be built only during the package build
> process, and never modified after that, then it should be super-easy to
> invent your own little homebrew format.

Indeed.  It would be nice to use ELF, though.  I'd like to change the
format of .go files to ELF in 2.2.  That would allow lots of things,
like having multiple entry points (as for different modules).  It would
also help to further separate debug information from code (helping
performance), statically allocating data (lowering allocation,
increasing cross-process sharing), and allowing for extensibility,
including sections for natively-compiled code.

But if you (or anyone) wants to work on something simpler, that's cool
too :)  I do have a Scheme ELF parser around somewhere, and intend to
get back to the "linker" sometime soon.


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