Hi Andi,

On 2012-01-07T04:34:39 EET, Andy Wingo wrote:

 > Greetings, Guilers!
 > I hope this message finds all of you well: you, and yours, and all the
 > beings in your lives.  It was really a pleasure to hack with yall last
 > year.


 > Again, speaking personally, 2011 has really been great.  We have done
 > some great things, and we should be proud of them.  It sounds terribly
 > cheesy, but hey: let's go on and make 2012 the best year Guile has had
 > yet :-)

Thank you (and the other Guile developers) very much for the great work --
it's much appreciated!!

Apart from all the work on making guile itself better, I hope in 2012 also
more software to become guile-extensible -- guile-gir, guile-gdb (who knows?),
and, the holy guile -- guile-emacs.

I had a lot of fun with my modest attempts to extend my own software in 2011,
and the fun continues in the 2012.

 > Happy hacking,



Dirk-Jan C. Binnema                  Helsinki, Finland
e:d...@djcbsoftware.nl           w:www.djcbsoftware.nl
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