l...@gnu.org (Ludovic Courtès) writes:

> Hi Neil!
> Neil Jerram <n...@ossau.homelinux.net> skribis:
>> Perhaps after all the right thing, for my use case, is something based
>> on (car (command-line)) and (getcwd).  I currently have this
>> 'compatibility definition' for Guile 1.8.x:
>>       (define (current-filename)
>>      (let* ((script (car (command-line)))
>>             (scriptdir (dirname script))
>>             (absdir (cond ((string=? scriptdir ".")
>>                            (getcwd))
>>                           ((string-match "^/" scriptdir)
>>                            scriptdir)
>>                           (else
>>                            (in-vicinity (getcwd) scriptdir)))))
>>        (in-vicinity scriptdir (basename script))))
>> But maybe that's the better solution for 2.x as well.
> Yes, for that case, you definitely want something that happens at
> run-time, pretty much like $ORIGIN in ELF files.

OK thanks.  I think that means you can disregard my use case when
considering the future of 'current-filename', then.


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