Oh yes, you're right. I'm sorry I missed it.

I believe you can do it hygienically though. With prompts, you can use
(make-prompt-tag) to generate a new, unique tag. With catch and throw,
you could use (gensym) to do the same thing. You first example would
become something like

(define-public (find-child music predicate)
 "Find the first node in @var{music} that satisfies @var{predicate}."
  (let ((music-found-tag (gensym)))
   (catch music-found-tag
          (lambda ()
            (fold-some-music predicate
                             (lambda (music . _) (throw music-found-tag music))
                             #f music))
          (lambda (key music) music)))

Does that work?


On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:42 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Noah Lavine <noah.b.lav...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On Thu, Mar 1, 2012 at 7:00 PM, David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I am just meddling around with coding and have come up with the
>>> following:
>>> (define-public (find-child music predicate)
>>>  "Find the first node in @var{music} that satisfies @var{predicate}."
>>>  (catch 'music-found
>>>         (lambda ()
>>>           (fold-some-music predicate
>>>                            (lambda (music . _) (throw 'music-found music))
>>>                            #f music))
>>>         (lambda (key music) music)))
>>> Now the problem with that is that it is unhygienic.  If fold-some-music
>>> were to use music-found signals, or if the predicate did, things would
>>> be awkward.  One would need to work with a uniquely generated symbol.
>>> It turns out that the above can be expressed much clearer and cleaner as
>>> (define-public (find-child music predicate)
>>>  "Find the first node in @var{music} that satisfies @var{predicate}."
>>>  (call-with-current-continuation
>>>   (lambda (music-found)
>>>     (fold-some-music predicate
>>>                      (lambda (music . _) (music-found music))
>>>                      #f music))))
>>> at least if I did not make some thinko here.  It is basically the same
>>> code and stack-upwards-only, but hygienic.  Nothing can call the
>>> continuation but what is inside.  Well, of course fold-some-music could
>>> save the closure calling music-found for later.  But it doesn't.
>>> Is there a way to get a call-with-current-continuation that does not
>>> create a stack copy?  It is fine if it fails with an exception if one
>>> still tries calling the continuation after it has already returned.
>> If I understand correctly, you only need to call the continuation
>> once. Is that right?
>> In that case, I think you could use either catch and throw or prompts.
> Neither of which are hygienic and also less straightforward.  It is not
> like I did not start my posting by giving the catch/throw-based example
> and saying what I disliked about it.
> --
> David Kastrup

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