Move test func to test-case.
And I think all the issues fixed.

Updated things attached.
;; Copyright (C) 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

;;;; Author: Mu Lei known as NalaGinrut <>

(define-module (ice-9 colorized)
  #:use-module (ice-9 rdelim)
  #:use-module ((srfi srfi-1) #:select (filter-map any proper-list?))
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
  #:use-module (system repl common)
  #:export (activate-colorized custom-colorized-set! color-it colorize-it colorize
            color-func colorize-string colorized-display add-color-scheme!))

(define (colorized-repl-printer repl val)
  (colorize-it val))

(define (activate-colorized)
  (let ((rs (fluid-ref *repl-stack*)))
    (if (null? rs)
	(repl-default-option-set! 'print colorized-repl-printer) ; if no REPL started, set as default printer
	(repl-option-set! (car rs) 'print colorized-repl-printer)))) ; or set as the top-REPL printer

;; color-scheme context, contains some info to be used
(define-record-type color-scheme
  (make-color-scheme obj type color control method)
  (obj color-scheme-obj) ; the obj to be colored
  (type color-scheme-type) ; the obj type (for debug/test)
  (color color-scheme-color) ; the color
  (control color-scheme-control) ; ansi control code
  (method color-scheme-method)) ; colorized method for the obj type

(define *color-list*
  `((CLEAR       .   "0")
    (RESET       .   "0")
    (BOLD        .   "1")
    (DARK        .   "2")
    (UNDERLINE   .   "4")
    (UNDERSCORE  .   "4")
    (BLINK       .   "5")
    (REVERSE     .   "6")
    (CONCEALED   .   "8")
    (BLACK       .  "30")
    (RED         .  "31")
    (GREEN       .  "32")
    (YELLOW      .  "33")
    (BLUE        .  "34")
    (MAGENTA     .  "35")
    (CYAN        .  "36")
    (WHITE       .  "37")
    (ON-BLACK    .  "40")
    (ON-RED      .  "41")
    (ON-GREEN    .  "42")
    (ON-YELLOW   .  "43")
    (ON-BLUE     .  "44")
    (ON-MAGENTA  .  "45")
    (ON-CYAN     .  "46")
    (ON-WHITE    .  "47")))

(define (get-color color)
  (assq-ref *color-list* color))

(define (generate-color colors)
  (let ((color-list
         (filter-map get-color colors)))
    (if (null? color-list)
        (string-append "\x1b[" (string-join color-list ";" 'infix) "m"))))

(define (colorize-string-helper color str control)
  (string-append (generate-color color) str (generate-color control)))

;; test-helper functions
;; when eanbled, it won't output colored result, but just normal.
;; it used to test the array/list/vector print result.
(define color-func (make-parameter colorize-string-helper))

(define (color-it cs) 
  (let* ((obj (color-scheme-obj cs))
         (str (object->string obj))
         (color (color-scheme-color cs))
         (control (color-scheme-control cs)))
    (color-it-inner color str control)))

(define (color-it-inner color str control)
  ((color-func) color str control))

(define* (space #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
  (display #\sp port))

(define *pre-sign* 
  `((LIST       .   "(") 
    (PAIR       .   "(") 
    (VECTOR     .   "#(")
    (ARRAY      .   #f))) 
;; array's sign is complicated, return #f so it will be handled by pre-print

(define* (pre-print cs #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
  (let* ((type (color-scheme-type cs))
         (control (color-scheme-control cs))
         (sign (assq-ref *pre-sign* type))
         (color (color-scheme-color cs))) 
    (if sign
        (display (color-it-inner color sign control) port)  ; not array
        ;; array complecated coloring
        (display (color-array-inner cs) port))))

(define (print-dot port)
  (let ((light-cyan '(CYAN BOLD)))
    (display (color-it-inner light-cyan "." '(RESET)) port)))

(define (delimiter? ch)
  (char-set-contains? char-set:punctuation ch))

(define (color-array-inner cs)
  (let* ((colors (color-scheme-color cs))
         (control (color-scheme-control cs))
         (sign-color (car colors))
         (attr-color (cadr colors))
         (str (object->string (color-scheme-obj cs)))
         (attrs (string->list 
                 (call-with-input-string str (lambda (p) (read-delimited "(" p))))))
     (lambda (port)
       (for-each (lambda (ch)
                   (let ((color (if (delimiter? ch) sign-color attr-color)))
                     (display (color-it-inner color (string ch) control) port)))
       ;; output left-paren
       (display (color-it-inner sign-color "(" control) port)))))

;; Write a closing parenthesis.
(define* (post-print cs #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
  (let* ((c (color-scheme-color cs))
         (control (color-scheme-control cs))
         (color (if (list? (car c)) (car c) c))) ; array has a color-list
    (display (color-it-inner color ")" control) port)))

(define (color-integer cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-char cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-string cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-list cs)
  (let* ((obj (color-scheme-obj cs)))
    (if (proper-list? obj)
         (lambda (port)
           (pre-print cs port)
           (display (string-join (map ->cstr obj) " ") port)
           (post-print cs port)))
        (color-pair cs))))

(define (color-pair cs)
  (let* ((obj (color-scheme-obj cs))
         (d1 (car obj))
         (d2 (cdr obj)))
     (lambda (port)
       (pre-print cs port)
       (colorize d1 port)
       (space port) (print-dot port) (space port)
       (colorize d2 port)
       (post-print cs port)))))

(define (color-class cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-procedure cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-vector cs)
  (let ((ll (vector->list (color-scheme-obj cs))))
     (lambda (port)
       (pre-print cs port)
       (display (string-join (map ->cstr ll) " ") port)
       (post-print cs port)))))

(define (color-keyword cs)
  (color-it cs))

;; TODO: maybe print it as char one by one?
(define (color-char-set cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-symbol cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-stack cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-record-type cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-inexact cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-exact cs)
  (let* ((obj (color-scheme-obj cs))
         (colors (color-scheme-color cs))
         (num-color (car colors))
         (div-color (cadr colors))
         (control (color-scheme-control cs))
         (n (object->string (numerator obj)))
         (d (object->string (denominator obj))))
     (lambda (port)
       (format port "~a~a~a" 
               (color-it-inner num-color n control)
               (color-it-inner div-color "/" control)
               (color-it-inner num-color d control))))))

(define (color-regexp cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-bitvector cs)
  ;; TODO: is it right?
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-boolean cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-array cs)
  (let ((ll (array->list (color-scheme-obj cs))))
     (lambda (port)
       (pre-print cs port)
       (display (string-join (map ->cstr ll) " ") port)
       (post-print cs port)))))

(define (color-complex cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-hashtable cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-hook cs)
  (color-it cs))

(define (color-unknown cs)
  (color-it cs))

;;--- custom color scheme ---
(define *custom-colorized-list* (make-fluid '()))

(define (custom-colorized-set! ll)
  (fluid-set! *custom-colorized-list* ll))

(define (current-custom-colorized)
  (fluid-ref *custom-colorized-list*))

(define (add-color-scheme! cs-list)
  (let ((ll (current-custom-colorized)))
    (custom-colorized-set! `(,@cs-list ,@ll))))
;;--- custom color scheme end---

(define (is-inexact? obj)
  (and (number? obj) (inexact? obj)))

(define (is-exact? obj)
  (and (number? obj) (exact? obj)))

;; A class is a struct.
(define (class? obj)
  (struct? obj))

(define *colorize-list*
  `((,integer? INTEGER ,color-integer (BLUE BOLD))
    (,char? CHAR ,color-char (YELLOW))
    (,string? STRING ,color-string (RED))
    (,list? LIST ,color-list (BLUE BOLD))
    (,pair? PAIR ,color-list (BLACK BOLD)) ; NOTE: proper-list is a <pair>, and cons is <pair> too, so call color-list either.
    (,class? CLASS ,color-class (CYAN BOLD))
    (,procedure? PROCEDURE ,color-procedure (YELLOW BOLD))
    (,vector? VECTOR ,color-vector (MAGENTA BOLD))
    (,keyword? KEYWORD ,color-keyword (MAGENTA))
    (,char-set? CHAR-SET ,color-char-set (WHITE))
    (,symbol? SYMBOL ,color-symbol (GREEN BOLD))
    (,stack? STACK ,color-stack (MAGENTA))
    (,record-type? RECORD-TYPE ,color-record-type (BLACK BOLD))
    ;; We don't check REAL here, since it'll cover FLOAT and FRACTION, but user may customs it as they wish.
    (,is-inexact? FLOAT ,color-inexact (YELLOW))
    (,is-exact? FRACTION ,color-exact ((BLUE BOLD) (YELLOW)))
    (,regexp? REGEXP ,color-regexp (GREEN))
    (,bitvector? BITVECTOR ,color-bitvector (YELLOW BOLD))
    (,array? ARRAY ,color-array ((CYAN BOLD) (YELLOW BOLD)))
    (,boolean? BOOLEAN ,color-boolean (BLUE))
    (,complex? COMPLEX ,color-complex (MAGENTA))
    (,hash-table? HASH-TABLE ,color-hashtable (BLUE))
    (,hook? HOOK ,color-hook (GREEN))))
;; TODO: if there's anything to add

(define (obj->token-color obj)
  (let ((proc (lambda (x) (and ((car x) obj) (cdr x)))))
    (or (any proc (current-custom-colorized)) ; checkout user defined obj type
        (any proc *colorize-list*) ; checkout default obj type
        `(UNKNOWN ,color-unknown (WHITE))))) ; no suitable obj type ,return the unknown solution

;; NOTE: we don't use control now, but I write the mechanism for future usage.
(define (generate-color-scheme obj)
  (let* ((r (obj->token-color obj))
         (type (car r))
         (method (cadr r))
         (color (caddr r)))
    (make-color-scheme obj type color '(RESET) method)))

(define (generate-custom-string-color-scheme str color)
  (make-color-scheme str #f color '(RESET) color-string))

(define (colorize-string str color)
  "Example: (colorize-string \"hello\" '(BLUE BOLD))" 
  (and (not (list? color)) (error colorize-string "color should be a list!" color))
  (colorize-string-helper color str '(RESET)))

(define (colorized-display str color)
  "Example: (colorized-display \"hello\" '(BLUE BOLD))"
  (display (colorize-string str color)))

(define* (colorize-it obj #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
  (colorize obj port)
  (newline port))

(define* (colorize obj #:optional (port (current-output-port)))
  (let* ((cs (generate-color-scheme obj))
         (f (color-scheme-method cs)))
    (display (f cs) port)))

(define (->cstr obj)
   (lambda (port)
     (colorize obj port))))
;;;; colorized.test --- test (ice-9 colorized) module -*- scheme -*-
;;;; Copyright 2013 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 

(define-module (test-suite test-ice-9-colorized)
  #:use-module (test-suite lib)
  #:use-module (oop goops)
  #:use-module (srfi srfi-9)
  #:use-module (ice-9 colorized))

;; colorized-REPL test printer
(define (color-it-test color str control) str)

;;; colorzed object test

(define-record-type aaa (make-aaa a) aaa? (a a))

(define (test-me obj info)
  (parameterize ((color-func color-it-test))
    (pass-if info 
      (equal? (call-with-output-string
               (lambda (port) (colorize obj port)))
              (object->string obj)))))

(with-test-prefix "colorized object tests"

  (test-me 123 "integer")

  (test-me #\c "char")

  (test-me "hello world\n" "string")

  (test-me '(1 2 3 4 5) "list")

  (test-me (cons 1 2) "pair")
  (test-me <integer> "class")

  (test-me + "procedure")

  (test-me (vector 1 2 3) "vector")

  (test-me #:test-me "keyword")

  (test-me char-set:ascii "char-set")

  (test-me 'test-me "symbol")
  (test-me (make-stack #t) "stack")

  (test-me aaa "record-type")

  (test-me 1.2 "inexact")

  (test-me 1/2 "exact")

  (test-me (make-regexp "[0-9]*") "regexp")

  (test-me (make-bitvector 8) "bitvector")

  (test-me #2u32@2@3((1 2) (3 4)) "array")

  (test-me #f "boolean false")
  (test-me #t "boolean true")

  (test-me 3+4i "complex")

  (test-me (make-hash-table) "hash table")

  (test-me (make-hook) "hook"))

>From 4e4acbe884716b0c84f1c39bc054244112daf17d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Nala Ginrut <>
Date: Tue, 22 Jan 2013 19:02:06 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Update manual for (ice-9 colorized).

* doc/ref/misc-modules.texi: Add (ice-9 colorized).

* doc/ref/scheme-using.texi: Add colorized REPL usage.
 doc/ref/misc-modules.texi |   91 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 doc/ref/scheme-using.texi |   35 ++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 125 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/doc/ref/misc-modules.texi b/doc/ref/misc-modules.texi
index cf1e0e4..770f354 100644
--- a/doc/ref/misc-modules.texi
+++ b/doc/ref/misc-modules.texi
@@ -1789,6 +1789,97 @@ example with the Scheme @code{read} function (@pxref{Scheme Read}),
 @end deffn
+@node Colorized
+@section Colorized
+@cindex Colorized
+The module @code{(ice-9 colorized)} provides the procedure
+@code{activate-colorized}, which provides colored REPL output.
+The module is loaded and activated by entering the following:
+(use-modules (ice-9 colorized))
+@end lisp
+And you may add your own color scheme with @code{add-color-scheme!}:
+(add-color-scheme! `((,(lambda (data) 
+                         (and (number? data) (> data 10000)))
+                          MY-LONG-NUM ,color-it (RED))))
+Result: 10001 (in red color)
+@end lisp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} activate-colorized
+Activate colorized REPL.
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} add-color-scheme! color-scheme-list
+Add user defined color scheme. @code{color-scheme-list} consisted as:
+(list (pred scheme-name color-method color-list)
+      ;; other color scheme) 
+@end lisp
+While @code{pred} is the predicate to checkout if it's the type you need,
+@code{scheme-name} is a symbol you named this color scheme, 
+@code{color-method} is the color function, and it could be @code{color-it}
+in default, and @code{color-list} is a ansi-color specific color list.
+@end deffn
+@cindex Colorized String
+Also exported by the @code{(ice-9 colorized)} module is
+@code{colorize-string}, a procedure to format a string in certain color.
+(use-modules (ice-9 colorized))
+(colorize-display "hello" '(BLUE BOLD))
+@print{} hello (in blue color and bold style)
+(colorize-string "hello" '(BLUE BOLD))
+@print{} "\x1b[32;1mhello\x1b[0m"
+(display (colorize-string "hello" '(BLUE BOLD)))
+@print{} hello (in blue color and bold style)
+@end lisp
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} colorize-string str color
+Return a string formated with @var{str} in @var{color} according to ansi
+color specific.  
+@end deffn
+@deffn {Scheme Procedure} colorize-display str color
+Print @var{str} in @var{color}.
+@end deffn
+Here is the available colors:
 @c Local Variables:
 @c TeX-master: "guile.texi"
 @c End:
diff --git a/doc/ref/scheme-using.texi b/doc/ref/scheme-using.texi
index e0f91af..fe302c2 100644
--- a/doc/ref/scheme-using.texi
+++ b/doc/ref/scheme-using.texi
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ support for languages other than Scheme.
 * Init File::
 * Readline::                    
+* Colorized REPL::
 * Value History::              
 * REPL Commands::               
 * Error Handling::              
@@ -79,6 +80,37 @@ It's a good idea to put these two lines (without the
 @xref{Init File}, for more on @file{.guile}.
+@node Colorized REPL
+@subsection Colorized REPL
+To make colorized result in Guile REPL, or add your own color
+schemes to show the result in colors.
+scheme@@(guile-user)> (use-modules (ice-9 colorized))
+scheme@@(guile-user)> (activate-colorized)
+@end lisp
+It's a good idea to put these two lines (without the
+@code{scheme@@(guile-user)>} prompts) in your @file{.guile} file.
+Besides, you may add your color schemes for the result:
+(add-color-scheme! (list (pred scheme-name color-method color-list)))
+(add-color-scheme! `((,(lambda (data) 
+                         (and (number? data) (> data 10000)))
+                          MY-LONG-NUM ,color-it (RED))))
+@print{} 10001 (in red color)
+@end lisp
+While @code{pred} is the predicate to checkout if it's the type you need,
+@code{scheme-name} is a symbol you named this color scheme, 
+@code{color-method} is the color function, and it could be @code{color-it}
+in default, and @code{color-list} is a ansi-color specific color list, 
+please see @xref{Colorized}.
+@xref{Init File}, for more on @file{.guile}.
 @node Value History
 @subsection Value History
@@ -147,7 +179,8 @@ data structure or closure, they may then be reclaimed by the garbage collector.
 @cindex commands
 The REPL exists to read expressions, evaluate them, and then print their
-results. But sometimes one wants to tell the REPL to evaluate an
+results. But sometimes o
+ne wants to tell the REPL to evaluate an
 expression in a different way, or to do something else altogether. A
 user can affect the way the REPL works with a @dfn{REPL command}.

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