Eli Zaretskii <e...@gnu.org> skribis:

> 2. c-api.test fails with many messages such as this one:
>      'CUR' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
>      operable program or batch file.
>    This is because c-api.test does this:
>      (define (egrep string filename)
>        (zero? (system (string-append "egrep '" string "' " filename " 
> >/dev/null"))))
>      ...
>                (if (and (file-exists? file)
>                         (egrep "SEEK_(SET|CUR|END)" file))
>    There are two problems here: quoting that is not supported by
>    Windows shells, and redirection to /dev/null.  The former is easily
>    fixed portably:
>      (system (string-append "egrep \"" string \"" " filename
>    The latter requires either an OS-dependent string in the *.scm
>    source of the test, or a variable (called, e.g., null-device) that
>    will be set correctly for each platform, which could then be used
>    by the test unconditionally.

What’s the name of /dev/null on Windows?


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