>                    __________                    __________
>   Objects in      |          |                  |          |
>   GC-managed      |  SMOB 1  |                  |  SMOB 2  |
>      heap         |__________|                  |__________|
>                      |   ^                         |   ^
> .....................|...|.........................|...|..........
>                    __v___|___      _________     __v___|___
>   Objects in      |          |    |   STL   |   |          |
>   normal heap     |C++ object|--->|container|-->|C++ object|
>   (not scanned    |__________|    |_________|   |__________|
>      by GC)

> The SMOB finalizers free the associated C++ objects below them.  Now,
> suppose that none of the objects above are reachable, so both SMOBs are
> queued for finalization.  Now suppose that SMOB 2 is finalized first,
> thus freeing the C++ object below it.

It's clearly wrong for SMOB2's finalizer to free its C++ object here
since that object is still reachable from C++ objects.


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