Mikael Djurfeldt writes:

> In python, the version number is higher up in the directory hierarchy,
> which, hypothetically, allows newer versions to have "inventions" in
> the more detailed directory structure:
> /usr/lib/python2.6
> /usr/lib/python2.7
> etc
> Just a thought.

Python's case is a bit different

 * Python does not look at any environment variable to boot

in contrast, setting GUILE_LOAD_*PATH to the wrong place makes Guile
barf trying to load eval.* or boot-9.*.  Also, guix by default sets
different guile major versions will fail to boot.

Do we want Guile to look at environment variables to find its core

 * Python has magic numbers and skip/recompiles if a .py[oc] does
   not match

This resembles what Ludovic suggested and what I have submitted a patch
for, to skip invalid .go files.

Greetings, Jan

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond http://lilypond.org
Freelance IT http://JoyofSource.com | Avatar® http://AvatarAcademy.nl

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