I mostly agree with David Pirotte here. For a program, it is not always 
relevant what it is implemented in except if it is meant to go with several 
other programs (say it is part of a framework). Now, for an all new program, 
mentioning what it is implemented in in the name is a reasonable choice. 
Changing the name of a program to do it is a bit different circumstance.

However, there is a major catch in this situation. Christian Brunello mentioned 
in the first email, if I read it correctly, that there are plans and intentions 
to extend it beyond just fdisk. Then renaming to something like [something] 
diskutils makes a lot of sense. If it is just a bunch of programs we get back 
to the argument earlier about including guile in the name or not. However, if 
those plans for extension include libraries and/or packages for use by other 
3rd party programs, then the implementation possibly matters a lot. If this is 
part of the plan, then Guile Diskutils is a fairly reasonable name in my 
opinion. I really hope this is in the plan, by the way. There are a lot of 
interesting things that could lead to.

Freja Nordsiek

On December 13, 2017 1:01:41 AM GMT+01:00, David Pirotte <da...@altosw.be> 
>Hi Christian,
>> >> IMHO the programming language/compiler a utility is written with
>is an 
>> >> implementation detail that should not manifest itself in the
>> >> name.  In this case, I think "GNU Distutils" would be better.  
>> >    "GNU Diskutils"
>> > 1+
>> > David  
>> I'm sorry but I do not agree. Guile is not an implementation detail
>> this case. It means that the package is based on Guile. It's like
>> (a terminal for x window), gnome-terminal (a terminal based on the
>> framework) and so on.
>It is, by definition, an implementation detail: whether your user know
>(or not ) in
>what language the tool is implemented won't make _any_ difference on
>how they will
>use it, neither will it change the output of their usage ...
>Besides, having Guile in the name may even be a 'blocker': 'out there'
>most do still
>fear scheme, in general, and Guile is no exception.  They will
>question, because of
>prejudgment mostly, if it 'works well', why the hell is it not
>implemented in php,
>python, go, java ... in a 'real language' ...
>If it was a library for Guile, it would be different. As an example,
>I'm the author
>and maintainer of GNU Foliot, not GNU Guile-Foliot, because it is an
>app (even
>though users could extend it, but that is anther story...) ... users
>(most users)
>are not interested to know i what language it's been written , they
>want to know if
>is good, if it does the job, if it is well maintained ...
>My 2c,
>Do as you wish of course,

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