Thomas Morley <> writes:

> Am Di., 13. Nov. 2018 um 01:12 Uhr schrieb Mikael Djurfeldt
> <>:
>> It would be nice to have guile-1.8 in that list since some users stayed at 
>> that version due to 2.0 being slower.
> As does LilyPond...

Initial results:

~/wisp/examples $ ./evaluate-r7rs-benchmark.w 
~/Quell/Programme/r7rs-benchmarks/all.csv guile-1.8.8

=== Best times ===

(("browse:2000" . 28.757008189)
 ("deriv:10000000" . 41.676202123)
 ("destruc:600:50:4000" . 22.127862312)
 ("diviter:1000:1000000" . 28.267739825)
 ("divrec:1000:1000000" . 44.214388322)
 ("ntakl:40:20:12:1" . 48.965012737)
 ("puzzle:1000" . 43.052130699)
 ("tak:40:20:11:1" . 23.331631568)
 ("takl:40:20:12:1" . 49.317768584)
 ("triangl:22:1:50" . 24.260957572))

=== Guile-1.8.8 times ===

(("browse:2000" "426.84")
 ("deriv:10000000" "331.99")
 ("diviter:1000:1000000" "426.45")
 ("puzzle:1000" "617.5")
 ("tak:40:20:11:1" "799.41")
 ("takl:40:20:12:1" "2154.59")
 ("triangl:22:1:50" "528.44"))

=== Guile-1.8.8 slowdown ===


=== Guile-1.8.8 Geometric Mean slowdown (successful tests / total tests) ===

18.813276420052787 (7 / 7)

missing results for 1.8.8 are those which did not work for 1.8.8, but
did for 2.9.1

For these first tests Guile 1.8.8 is a LOT slower than 2.9.1. I would
expect later tests to have more varied results.

Data in all.csv created with

r7rs-benchmarks $ for i in browse deriv destruc diviter divrec puzzle triangl 
tak takl ntakl cpstak ctak fib fibc fibfp sum sumfp fft mbrot mbrotZ nucleic pi 
pnpoly ray simplex ack array1 string sum1 cat tail wc read1 compiler conform 
dynamic earley graphs lattice matrix maze mazefun nqueens paraffins parsing 
peval primes quicksort scheme slatex chudnovsky nboyer sboyer gcbench mperm 
equal bv2string; do CPU_LIMIT=3600 GUILE=~/Quell/Programme/guile/meta/guile 
GUILD=~/Quell/Programme/guile/meta/guild bash -x ./bench guile $i; 
CPU_LIMIT=3600 GUILE=~/Quell/Programme/guile-1.8.8/guile-1.8.8/pre-inst-guile 
GUILD=echo bash -x ./bench guile $i; done

grep -a -h '+!CSVLINE' results.* | sed 's/+!CSVLINE!+//' > all.csv

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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