
Hi everyone,

I would like to submit ANGUISH, another guile shell at, for the potluck of this
year. It is just the initial version that does not actually run you
shell commands just yet, this will be the next step. For now it is,
fingers crossed, a complete POSIX sh parser. Which at some point should
be able to eval the parser output and run your shell scripts on top of

> Hello All-
> In celebration of the (slightly belated) 10-year anniversary of Guile
> v2.0, we're having another Guile Potluck!  The Guile Potluck is a
> randomly annual event to give people a chance to show off their Guile
> projects and skills.  Think of it as a game jam, but, not constrained
> to games. 
> To participate, on or before Mar 6, send an email to
> with instructions on how to find your entry, which could be anything
> you like.  For example,
>    - a script showing off some feature of Guile or your favorite Guile
>    library
>    - a blog post describing something interesting about Guile
>    - an updated release of a neglected library

To achieve this, I have updated the Guile PEG library with expect (and
fallback parsing, not used by ANGUISH yet).

>    - a mini-game
>    - a graphical or audio demoscene-type demo
> There probably won't be any prizes.  But there will definitely be an e-
> mail and blog post about the entries.
> If you think you might attempt to participate, please reply to this e-
> mail so I can gauge the feasibility of some sort of participation swag.
> Regards,
> Mike Gran, on behalf of the Guile team


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