Hi everyone,
 I am pleased to announce that the libRUIN project has made a new
formal development release, version 0.1.2.

 Our project description, from Savannah: libRUIN (Renderer for User
Interfaces in Ncurses) is a rendering library for various XML-based
user interface markup languages (such as Mozilla XUL), using the
Ncurses terminal control library as a rendering target. GNU Guile and
the SDOM Scheme module are used as the "glue" that manages user input
and event handling. An application programmer passes an XML document
(including, potentially, a set of CSS stylesheets) and an Ncurses
WINDOW structure, and libRUIN paints the WINDOW according to the
markup and CSS; the programmer may subsequently pass Ncurses-style
input strings to that WINDOW via libRUIN, and libRUIN will handle the
resulting event flows.

This release features functionality restored to the input handling and
XUL rendering subsystems, a greatly expanded Scheme API for use in
custom event handlers, an automatic table layout algorithm that
approaches correctness (with a tip of the hat to the KHTML project),
and new documentation available in manpage and Texinfo format --
including a developers guide for integrating libRUIN with C
applications.  Many improvements have been made to the build and
install systems as well.  We're still a long way off from a stable
release, though -- this'd a great time to jump in!

For more information, swing by http://www.nongnu.org/libruin or check out
our project page on Savannah, at
http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/libruin -- you can pick up the
release from the downloads section.

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