
I'm new to this mailing list and also new to the scheme language ...
I'm used to Lua but I try to search about functionnal programming, and
I found scheme. It looks like a good language but before using it in my
projects I would like to know if tere is an easy way to create

In lua, it is easy, you create a table containing functions ... and the
table can be made environment for a function. So, you can easily create
secure sandboxes by loading lua code from file and changing the
environment of the loaded code.

I do not know how to do that in scheme. Apparetly the function
null-environment can return an environment and eval can evaluate some
code in an environment. But the question is how to define a variable in
an environment and also how to undefine a variable that you don't want
to appear.
I didn't found anything about modifying an environment. Is it
possible ? If not, why not ? and is it possible to create sandboxes ?


Mildred       <xmpp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://mildred632.free.fr/>
Clef GPG :    <hkp://pgp.mit.edu> ou <http://mildred632.free.fr/gpg_key>
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