---- Greg Troxel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>   [guile-pg and guile 1.8]
>   I was hoping his guile-pg would work because it doesn't explicity
>   state that a 1.4.x guile is required like some of his other packages
>   do.
> It works fine under 1.6.  What it needs is the feature, deprecated in
> 1.6 and removed in 1.8, of looking for a shlib when a module is used,
> and loading it and running the init function.  The 1.8 way is to have a
> scheme stub that dynlinks the module and exports the symbols.  So
> guile-pg needs a new .scm file that does this, and I suspect that's all
> that's required but I'm not sure.

That is one issue but not all.  There are other apis that were deprecated in 
1.6 and finally removed in 1.8.  I'm pretty sure it's not possible to wite a C 
Guile extension that works without change on 1.4 *and* 1.8.


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