> Hi all,
> I have an extended Guile interpreter with a C function "get-map",
> defined by "scm_c_define_gsubr", that I then try to use in the
> (pure Scheme) module "mapdisplay", with the following result:
> | mapdisplay.scm:36:12: In expression (get-map wg name):
> | mapdisplay.scm:36:12: Unbound variable: get-map
> | ABORT: (unbound-variable)
> | guile> get-map
> | #<primitive-procedure get-map>
> | guile>
> Any ideas what is happening here? How can I debug it?
> /Tomas

I think you need to import this symbol in your module, in this case, I
think it's mapdisplay.scm. If get-map's not within a module, you'd need
to get this symbol with "dynamic-link" and it's friends.

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