Ian Price wrote:
> Just  a  quick  note   to  mention  an  implementation  of
> persistent   (i.e.   functional)   vectors  I   wrote   in
> celebration of the  guile 2.0.6 release. It  is written in
> portable R6RS, and tested on guile.

I  can  confirm  that  it works  with  Vicare  Scheme.   The
following  is a  test  file  for Vicare,  just  place it  in
fectors' source directory and do:

   $ vicare -L $PWD test-vicare.sps

;;; test-vicare.sps --- Functional Vectors: tests with Vicare Scheme

;; Copyright (C) 2012 Marco Maggi <marco.maggi-i...@poste.it>

;; Author: Marco Maggi <marco.maggi-i...@poste.it>

;; This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the new-style BSD license.

;; You should have received a copy of the BSD license along with this
;; program. If not, see <http://www.debian.org/misc/bsd.license>.

(import (rnrs)
  (vicare checks))

(check-set-mode! 'report-failed)

;;;; helpers

(define fector=?
   ((obj1 obj2)
    (fector=? obj1 obj2 eqv?))
   ((obj1 obj2 item=)
    (and (fector? obj1)
         (fector? obj2)
         (or (eq? obj1 obj2)
             (let ((len1 (fector-length obj1)))
               (and (= len1 (fector-length obj2))
                    (let loop ((i 0))
                      (or (= i len1)
                          (and (item= (fector-ref obj1 i)
                                      (fector-ref obj2 i))
                               (loop (+ 1 i))))))))))))

;;;; building fectors

    (let ((F (make-fector 5)))
      (and (fector? F)
           (fector->list F)))
  => '(0 0 0 0 0))

    (let ((F (make-fector 5 #\a)))
      (and (fector? F)
           (fector->list F)))
  => '(#\a #\a #\a #\a #\a))

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3)))
      (and (fector? F)
           (fector->list F)))
  => '(1 2 3))

    (let ((F (build-fector 5 (lambda (idx) (* 10 idx)))))
      (and (fector? F)
           (fector->list F)))
  => '(0 10 20 30 40))

;;;; inspecting

    (let ((F (fector)))
      (fector-length F))
  => 0)

    (let ((F (fector 1)))
      (fector-length F))
  => 1)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3)))
      (fector-length F))
  => 3)

;;;; accessing and mutating

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3)))
      (list (fector-ref F 0)
            (fector-ref F 1)
            (fector-ref F 2)))
  => '(1 2 3))

    (let* ((F (fector 1 2 3))
           (F (fector-set F 0 'a))
           (F (fector-set F 1 'b))
           (F (fector-set F 2 'c)))
      (list (fector-ref F 0)
            (fector-ref F 1)
            (fector-ref F 2)))
  => '(a b c))

;;;; comparison

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector 1 2 3)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #t)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector 10 2 3)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector 1 20 3)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector 1 2 30)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector 1 2 3 4)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3 4))
          (G (fector 1 2 3)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

    (let ((F (fector))
          (G (fector 1 2 3)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3))
          (G (fector)))
      (fector=? F G))
  => #f)

;;;; conversion

    (let ((F (fector 1 2 3)))
      (fector->list F))
  => '(1 2 3))

    (list->fector '(1 2 3))
  (=> fector=?) (fector 1 2 3))

;;;; done


;;; end of file

Marco Maggi

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