On Wed, Feb 27, 2013 at 05:21:47PM +0100, Stefan Israelsson Tampe wrote:
> Hi all,
> I just started a small project where I intend to try to port over
> common lisp tools as wel as define a common lisp language in guile-2.
> You may find it at: https://gitorious.org/guile-cl/guile-cl
> There is only one module, loop.scm that implements the cl loop
> macro. It is an intresting task to make that package hackable but I
> feel that I suceeded with that using syntax-parse. The utility is
> somewhat a joke because of it's horrible syntax and schemers are
> better of to use another tool like foof-loop. Anyhow it's up there for
> you to enjoy!

I find loop an invaluable syntactic extension for embedable scheme ...
But I guess that's a matter of taste ;-)

Loop was one of the first things I included into my personal Denemo
version (using the nice CL-Loop port by Heinrich Taube from his 
Common Music (v.2) - you do konw about that, do you?)

 Cheers, Ralf Mattes

> Have fun
> /Stefan

Thank's, will do  

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