when using the SRFI-105 syntax everything works fine, but I receive syntax warnings

    bash> cat 1.scm
    (read-enable 'curly-infix)
    (define a {1 + 1}) (newline)
    (display a) (newline)
    bash> guile --debug 1.scm
    ;;; WARNING: compilation of /home/Joryk/lab/1.scm failed:
    ;;; ERROR: Syntax error:
;;; /home/Joryk/lab/1.scm:2:0: source expression failed to match any pattern in form (define a #{\x7b;1}# + #{1\x7d;}#)


when running the same code from the REPL I don't get any warnings.
More over the following won't run at all:
    bash> cat 2.scm
    (read-enable 'curly-infix)
    (display {1 + 1}) (newline)
    bash> guile --debug 2.scm

    /*** stripped ***/

    /home/Joryk/lab/2.scm:2:0: In procedure #<procedure 201c1650 ()>:
/home/Joryk/lab/2.scm:2:0: In procedure module-lookup: Unbound variable: #{\x7b;1}#

guile --version: 2.0.9-dirty

Best regards,
Alexandru Cojocaru

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