Hi there! 

I'm not yet sure if I'm coming to FOSDEM; but if I am... I could potentially do 
a talk about how I've used Guile in my GTA04 phone experimentation - which 
means a combination of web server code and integration with dbus, oFono, 
connman and the enlightenment libraries. 

Does that sound interesting? 


  Original Message  
From: Pjotr Prins
Sent: Saturday, 31 October 2015 09:44
To: guile-user@gnu.org
Subject: FOSDEM call for Guile related talks

# GNU Guile devroom call for talks @FOSDEM 2016 

For the first time ever, we have a GNU Guile devroom at FOSDEM on January 30,
2016. The call for talk proposals is open! Important members of the GNU Guile
and GNU Guix community will attend. We are excited because FOSDEM is one of the
most important free software conferences and is hosted annually at [Université 
libre de
Bruxelles in Brussels,
Belgium](https://fosdem.org/2016/practical/transportation/); the devroom will
host up to 80 people.

Submissions for talks are due on November 30, 2015. 

## Topics

GNU Guile is the preferred extension system for the GNU Project which
features an implementation of the Scheme programming language, a dialect of
Lisp. Especially technical talks are invited on topics concerning GNU Guile and
applications that use Guile (such as GNU Guix, Lilypond and Gnucash). In the
talks both experienced Guile programmers and newbies should be addressed.
FOSDEM is a great opportunity to attract people interested in GNU Guile and
Lisp. Examples of (already proposed) talks could be

- Guile programming:
+ functors and monads in Guile
+ composable continuations in Guile
+ POSIX programming in Guile and the FFI
- Web frameworks with GNU Guile
- GNU Guix:
+ GNU/Hurd support in Guix
+ R, Perl, Python and Ruby support in GNU Guix
+ Reproducible pipelines for Guix
+ Guix environments (VM, containers etc.)
- Guile and the network:
+ Software distribution using GNUnet
+ Paving a path to greater network freedom using Guix and Guile

## Submit talk

Feel free to submit your own topic or even run with one of these. The
most interesting talks will be selected. Talks are 15 or 30 minutes
(including Q&A; please notify in the application your preference) on
GNU Guile related projects.

Please note that presenting at FOSDEM implies giving permission to be
recorded. The recordings will be published under the same licence as
all FOSDEM content (CC-BY).

Submit your proposal here: https://penta.fosdem.org/submission/FOSDEM16

If you submitted a talk to a previous FOSDEM, you should already have
an account, so make sure that you log in with your existing account.
You should only need to create an account if you have not submitted a
talk to FOSDEM in recent years. After you have your account
configured (you will receive a confirmation email), create the event,
and click on "Show all" in the top right corner to diplay the full
form. When submitting your talk make doubly sure to select "GNU Guile
devroom" as track, and include the following information:

* The title and subtitle of your talk
* A short abstract of one paragraph
* A longer description if you wish to do so
* Links to related websites/blogs etc

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