
I am are pleased to announce the release of Kisê 0.9.5

* Kisê  Homepage: 


* Kisê 0.9.5 release tarball GPG signature [*]:


* About Kisê

Kisê is a small and easy to use time keeping application.

It can be used in a single user mode or by small organizations. Starting with
version 0.9.4, it can import other user's database, an essential feature for 

The fields it handles are: a date, who, for whom, what, a duration, whether or 
to be charged and a description.

It includes, on the main application screen, a powerful dynamic filters criteria
mechanism, which lets you visualize, work on and print a subset of your time 

A printing templates system allows you to (pre)define, reuse and hence quickly
generate the pdf files and/or printed reports of your needs.

A version which will let users export an active filter based subset of their 
keeping entries is under work.

* Changes since 0.9.4

Good news for everyone:

        - Kisê is now fully autotool chained;
        - it depends on Grip (*) [prev. 'common'] also fully autotool chained;
        - both Kisê and Grip run strict dependency checks @ configure time;
        - both install compiled modules, shared among all users.

        (*)     http://www.nongnu.org/grip/index.html

Other than that, known bugs have been fixed, see org/kise-bugs.org if
your are interested, and:


        - all copyright years range updated;
        - org, pot, po and texi files now have copyright headers;
        - icons are now in svg not png;


        - Kisê's application script launcher code reviewed;
        - fixing things so Kisê works with Guile-2.2 [1];
        - database correctness/automatic update(s) control mechanism added;


        - fixing <gtk-spin-button> float values not honoring 1 decimal only [2].


                Note that the documentation is still a mock-up, but:

        - texi files fixed to compile against Texinfo >= 5.2;


        - rephrasing some of the draft summary output;
        - default draft report subsection and footskip vertical space review.


        - Kisê's web-pages  have been entirely rewritten  using sxml. As you 
          spot, they also now share their design, global procedures and css
          definitions with Grip's web-pages.

        [1]     note that Guile-2.2 has an unfixed GOOPS related bug [3] which, 
                solved, makes it impossible to run Kisê;
        [2]     we still need to fix this problem for the liststore;

* This release was built/tested using the following tools:

        -] autoconf             (GNU Autoconf) 2.69 
        -] automake             (GNU automake) 1.15 
        -] makeinfo             (GNU texinfo) 6.0 
        -] guile-2.0  
        -] guile-gnome  2.16.4
        -] SQLIte                       3.9.2-1
        -] libpcre                      8.38-1
        -] Grip                 0.1.0
            Grip-Gnome  ^
            Grip-SQLite         ^

Happy Kisê!

[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact.  First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball.  Then, run a command like this:

        gpg --verify kise-0.9.5.tar.gz.sig

If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:

        gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys A3057AD7

and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.

Attachment: pgpsyEBOnlnxs.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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