Hello Guilers,

I'm pleased to announce Guile-ICS 0.1.0:

Please find the package signed with my GPG key[1] here:
  - ftp://memory-heap.org/software/guile-ics/guile-ics-0.1.0.tar.gz
  - ftp://memory-heap.org/software/guile-ics/guile-ics-0.1.0.tar.gz.sig

* What is Guile-ICS?

Guile-ICS is an iCalendar (RFC5545) [2] format parser library written in
pure Scheme.  The library can be used to read and write iCalendar data.

The library is shipped with documentation in Info format and usage

This is the first release of the project and I'm pretty sure there are
some nasty bugs lurking in the code.  Some of the known bugs/problems
are described in the README file and will be fixed in the next versions.

* Usage examples

First of all, please take a look in 'examples' directory: there's FOSDEM
schedule parser [3] that converts the schedule data to Emacs org-mode

Secondly, there's a tool called 'ics' that comes with the parser (see
'utils' directory.)

Happy hacking!

- Artyom

[1] https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?search=0x0898A02F&op=index
[2] https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5545
[3] https://fosdem.org/

Artyom V. Poptsov <poptsov.art...@gmail.com>;  GPG Key: 0898A02F
Home page: http://poptsov-artyom.narod.ru/

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