2017-11-26 23:33 GMT+01:00 Amirouche Boubekki <amirou...@hypermove.net>:

> Héllo,
> I made some progress on my culturia project,
> I wanted to share with you where it's going
> with a few bits about guile-wiredtiger itself.
> tl;dr:
>   $ git clone https://a-guile-mind.github.io/culturia.one
>   $ git clone https://framagit.org/a-guile-mind/guile-wiredtiger
> On guix(sd) environment:
>   $ guix environment --ad-hoc guile-wiredtiger
> I stopped trying to understand what makes
> a concept search engine [0]. Instead I will
> focus on plain old keyword search engine.
> I don't even plan to support synonyms [1].
> [1] https://www.slideshare.net/lucidworks/implementing-conceptua
> l-search-in-solr-using-lsa-and-word2vec-presented-by-simon-hughes-dicecom
> [2] https://blog.algolia.com/inside-the-engine-part-6-handling-
> synonyms-the-right-way/
> But, if you have insights about the suject,
> don't hesitate to share them.
> You might be wondering why I want to build
> a search engine. Yes, since I am not working
> anymore to reach the Moon, re-inventing the
> wheel might sound useless. It's not.
> Because Guile, because wiredtiger.
> You see wiredtiger is the last iteration
> (over several decades) of somekind of data engine.
> And guile is the _only_ high level language that
> has true POSIX threads (and fibers (more on that
> later)). Does it ring a bell?
> So far, what is dominant in the database space
> is RDBMS. Basically tables that you can query with
> SQL. This is very neat and stuff. But what if we
> could have tables queryable in scheme?
> That is it! guile-wiredtiger offers a way to query
> tables in scheme. Using minikanren if you want that!
> What about performance? Well according to my
> microbenchmarks it can query 1200 documents
> at random in seconds. Which means that if you
> don't use a _dynamic_ schema (like grf3 or
> feature-space) and use the raw wiredtiger API
> found in (wiredtiger wiredtiger) module and
> some helpers in (wiredtiger extra). You can
> achieve better performance. Also, did I mention
> that those are numbers for single thread access?
> Guile has threads! Which means more RPS for your
> application, less hardware for more users. That
> said I don't think doubling the threads will double
> the throughput. This needs to be benchmarked.
> The thing with NOSQL wiredtiger, is that it's not
> the kind of NOSQL you might think about. Unlike
> REDIS it's not primary in memory, unlike Cassandra
> it doesn't spread it's data accross several nodes.
> Though there are ideas on how to do that see for
> instance TiKV [3].
> [3] https://github.com/pingcap/tikv
> According to wiredtiger there is no known limitations
> in the size of the database or the number of concurrent
> threads − provided the underlying hardware can follow...
> One can scale vertically, on a single machine. How far
> can we go? That's the question I'd like to answer.
> The search engine is the idea to have both potentially
> a lot of data and a lot of users (compared to my blog).
> I am sure some people who tried and switched to
> duckduckgo want to give it a try. At least to see what
> the technology behind Google and DuckDuckGo really is.
> You can't know for sure without having experienced the
> old google or feu altavista.
> My point other point, is for most of my search on the
> web I don't need often to dig deeper than _my_ first
> page (even on ddg). On _my_ first page, there is most
> of the time wikipedia, stackoverflow and that's it!
> Really, there is not much of the web that concerns
> me. Outside some rare scholar articles.
> english wikipedia and stackoverflow are already almost
> 100Go so it's bigger than any one can have as blog.
> Right now culturia.one does store pages using three
> tables:
> Document table will store information about the document,
> uid is unique identifier for the document, url and a scheme
> list of token uid (This is stored like that for faster
> comparaison)
>    key |           value
>   -----+-------------+----------------------------
>    uid |  url        | document as token uid
>   -----+-------------+----------------------------
>     1  | gnu.org     | 14 32 51 42 63 74 75 23 113
>     2  | hyperdev.fr | 1 22 1 12 23 71 175 323 14
> There is another table that stores, all the tokens
> found in the documents:
>    key |          value
>   -----+--------+-------
>    uid | token  | count
>   -----+--------+-------
>     1  |  the   |  42
> Where count, is the count of document where the token
> appears at least once. This table as an index on token
> column to quikcly retrieve the UID of given TOKEN.
> The last index, is the so called inverted-index,
> It's a bit special because the key part of the table
> has two columns but not bizarre if you work with primary
> keys:
>         key       | value
>   -----+----------+-------
>   token| document | count
>   -----+------------------
>     42 |   1      |  1
> (I just figured that I never use that count column,
> it supposed to be the number of times of the token 42
> appears in document 1)
> Anyway, pretty simple no?
> Let's imagine we have a simple query like the following:
>    culturia://guile+manual
> We will imagine that we indexed some things that containt
> those words (or the engine will throw an exception).
> The quering engine will first compute the frequency of both
> keywords and then lookup the inverted index for the least
> frequent keyword.

The least freqent keyword ?
Not the most frequent keyword ?

That way, there is a 'seed' set of documents
> that we can filter with a small vm that will interpret the
> rest of the query for instance. Something like:
>   (filter (hit? (cdr query)) seed)
> Sort of. I can't make it simpler right now, but you can
> have a look at the code. The public procedure and the bottom
> called 'search' [4] is the where the code starts.
> [4] https://github.com/a-guile-mind/culturia.one/blob/master/src
> /wiredtiger/ix.scm#L455

file not fond

All this looks pretty interesting but I have to say that I prefer the work
you're doing on GNUNet ;-)

> So what is the next iteration:
> guile-wiredtiger:
> - fix the tests to run with guix
> culturia:
> - make culturia compatible with guile-wiredtiger found in guix
> - write program that will index the whatever wikipedia dump we want
> - make a program to index stackoverflow based on archives.org dump
> - make a program that will index news.ycombinator.com and the linked
> articles
> - Create a crawler for sitemaps (or find one)
> - Create a crawler for RSS/ATOM feeds (or find one)
> - Support WARC file format and crawl gnu.org website
> - Implement !g and !ddg in the searchbox to redirect the user
>   to another search engine.
> Conctact me directly if you want to work on one of the tasks
> or some other tasks, or if you want to report a bug.
> Tx!
> --
> Amirouche ~ amz3 ~ http://www.hyperdev.fr

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