On 2018-08-28 19:06, Amirouche Boubekki wrote:
Hello schemers,

tl;dr. Finally I accept that I am a megalomaniac

aka. I want to change the world for less evil and more good :)

The name of the project is 'Earth Software System'.

And its contrived civilization bootstrap kit is what I call the π goal
(they are goals 0, 1 and 2 which I described before without naming them)
is still fuzzy and a moving target. You never reach the exact pi number
you only approach it. That's why I choose to call that goal π instead of 3.

People might not be familiar with the civilization bootstrap problem.

We do not have the knowledge of a sustainable civilization, granted, that is
not the point of the π goal.

I will illustrate that π solves several problems:

  a) It has to do with our way of life of today, the things we take for
     granted like weather, food, water, computers doing what we want.
The simplest example I think is the food chain. To build our civilization, people we required to create farms, before that they required to teach chickens to behave, etc.. to build 999 chicken farms it required smaller farms before that. But imagine everything disappears. What would happen?! The farmer of today know how to handle mega farms of polite chickens. But what if tomorrow he has to deal with 3 mutated chickens alone in the desert after a global nuclear war?!

Boom no more civilization, our bare hands and few scrapes and the few neurons that remains that may not have the skills to survive in that new but predictable environment. These fictif neurons could have a chance with a civkit!

Damn, not even in the movies they only rebuild our civilization two thousand years. Battle Star Galactica Spoiler: You discover that at the very last 30 seconds of the
last episode!

This is a lot of extreme far-fetched post-apocalyptic paranoia and stuff!
But bear with me, the next example is less dramatic.

Our civilization is not bootstrappable, we do not know how we got here,
we can not _reproduce_ our way of life.

b) Let's now imagine that we have interstellar space travel. Do you think it's possible for a family of five to create a _living_. We can imagine they come with a notice something like Wikipedia (!) and say a 3d printer... and
     that is a civkit.

That's what I want to build.

Janneke and others working on bootstrappable and reproducible guix are not only important for "near" term security reasons cap based or not. It's also a requirement for many bad situations that hopefully will never happen like
nuclear war or hopefully will happen like an interstellar family trip.

Last story:

  c) Imagine you are on a planet several years away from Earth, you hit
a bug in production. Do you think that you will wait 1 year for a software update or what? No, like any good space corpocrop it delivers the source code of their corpocropware wikipedia based civkit because that's the only thing they could put a hand on for free and gratis. Bad luck, PHP person has a flu.
  And die.

    The end.

Maybe you see where I am going. It's not just about the civkit. guix
will be part of the civkit, and prolly so does Wikipedia. Do you believe, in your Scheme mind that would be the best solution?! The most sustainable,
the most boostrappable? Do you think a web browser is bootstrappable?

There is many things to think of. Many things to experiment. The future is
exciting nowdays in guile universe.

The most exciting stuff, is that the more bootstrappable code we have,
the easier it is  for people to jump into the train. Otherwise said,
bootstrappable projects will do good before we know it.

From r7rs.

Programming languages should be designed not by piling feature on top of feature, but by removing the weaknesses and restrictions that make additional features
  appear necessary.

I think a small set of powerful primitives are the way to go. I want
to prove two things:

a) ordered key-value stores are such a primitive
b) priority and age-based distributed task queue is another

Any help will be much appreciated.

It's an exciting time to be in guile universe and would like to thank
every people taking part it.

Happy hacking!

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