It's been many years since I hacked on elisp, but I have the beginnings
of an emacs minor mode (to scheme) for generating docstrings from texi-
motivated comments.

Here is an example of how I like to document my procedures:

;; @deffn {Procedure} prece a b po
;; Return precedence for arguments @var{a}, @var{b} given the partial
;; order @var{po}.  The result is of the form @code{'lt}, @code{'gt},
;; @code{'eq} or @code{#f}.@*
;; Note: @var{po} may not a true partial order as we can have a<b and
;; b<a => a=b.  For example,
;; @example
;; @code{(prece a a po)} => @code{'eq}.
;; @end example
;; @end deffn
(define (prece a b po)
   ((eqv? a b) 'eq)
   ((eqv? a '$error) 'lt)
   ((eqv? b '$error) 'gt)
   ((<? a b po) (if (<? b a po) 'eq 'lt))
   (else (if (<? b a po) 'gt #f))))

Now if I load my scheme-texidoc minor mode, place the point just before
`(define (' and hit [(control c) (control d)], I end up with a docstring
generated by running the comments through `texi2any --plaintext'.

;; @deffn {Procedure} prece a b po
;; Return precedence for arguments @var{a}, @var{b} given the partial
;; order @var{po}.  The result is of the form @code{'lt}, @code{'gt},
;; @code{'eq} or @code{#f}.@*
;; Note: @var{po} may not a true partial order as we can have a<b and
;; b<a => a=b.  For example,
;; @example
;; @code{(prece a a po)} => @code{'eq}.
;; @end example
;; @end deffn
(define (prece a b po)
  "- Procedure: prece a b po
     Return precedence for arguments A, B given the partial order PO.
     The result is of the form ''lt', ''gt', ''eq' or '#f'.
     Note: PO may not a true partial order as we can have a<b and b<a =>
     a=b.  For example,
          (prece a a po) => 'eq."
   ((eqv? a b) 'eq)
   ((eqv? a '$error) 'lt)
   ((eqv? b '$error) 'gt)
   ((<? a b po) (if (<? b a po) 'eq 'lt))
   (else (if (<? b a po) 'gt #f))))

and in Guile I get

scheme@(guile-user)> ,d prece
- Procedure: prece a b po
     Return precedence for arguments A, B given the partial order PO.
     The result is of the form ''lt', ''gt', ''eq' or '#f'.
     Note: PO may not a true partial order as we can have a<b and b<a =>
     a=b.  For example,
          (prece a a po) => 'eq.

Here is scheme-texidoc.el:
;;; scheme-texidoc.el --- minor mode to make scheme doc-strings from texinfo

;; Copyright (C) 2018 Matthew R. Wette

;; Author: Matt Wette <>
;; Keywords: scheme, texinfo

;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
;; along with this library; if not, see <>.

;;; Notes:

;; M-x unload-feature RET scheme-texidoc RET

;; todo: remove old docstring, if present
;; todo: robustly find "(define ("
;; todo: handle (define foo (let (...) (lambda (...) "docstring"

;;; Code:

(require 'texinfmt)

(define-minor-mode scheme-texidoc
  "A minor-mode to create Scheme docstrings from texinfo comments.
Assume you have procedure that starts with
  (define (
and is preceeded by comments that provide documentation between
  ;; @deffn ...
  ;; @end deffn
Then set point to just before `(define (' and hit `C-cC->'.
A texi2any formatted docstring will be inserted."
  " Tx"
  '(([(control c) (control d)] . scheme-texidoc-transfer-deffn))

(defvar scheme-texidoc-version "v180902e")

(defvar scheme-texidoc-texi-buffer-name "*scmtxi texi*")
(defvar scheme-texidoc-text-buffer-name "*scmtxi text*")

;; moves point
(defun find-deffn-above ()
  "find deffn to this point; give up if hit blank before"
  (while (and (not (looking-at ";; @deffn "))
              (not (looking-at "\\($\\| \\)")))
    (forward-line -1))
  (if (looking-at ";; @deffn ") (point) nil))

;; moves point
(defun find-end-deffn-below ()
  "find end deffn blow non ;;"
  (while (and (not (looking-at ";; @end deffn"))
              (looking-at ";;\\($\\| \\)"))
    (forward-line 1))
  (if (looking-at ";; @end deffn") (progn (forward-line) (point)) nil))

;; we want to find range for deffn and point for docstring
(defun find-deffn-posns ()
  "Find points of interest."
    (while (not (looking-at ";;")) (backward-line))
    (let ((txi-st (find-deffn-above))
          (txi-nd (find-end-deffn-below))
          (doc-pt nil)
      (while (not (looking-at "(")) (forward-line))
       ((looking-at "(define *(")
        (skip-chars-forward 9)
        (set! doc-pt (point)))
       ((looking-at "(define *[^ (]")
        (re-search-forward "(lambda (" 100)
        (error "not implemented"))
        (error "couldn't find location for docstring")))
      (goto-char doc-pt)

;; run texi2any --plaintext on region
;; returns t or nil if success or failure to run command, respectively
;; error messages are not processed
(defun texi2any-on-region (start end)
  "run texi2any on region"
  (let ((text-buffer (get-buffer-create scheme-texidoc-text-buffer-name)))
      (set-buffer text-buffer)
    (zerop (call-process-region start end "texi2any" nil text-buffer nil
      (set-buffer text-buffer)
      ;; remove warning messages
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (looking-at "-:")
        (delete-region (point-min) (progn (forward-line) (point))))
      ;; clean up
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (if (looking-at " -") (delete-char 2))
      (while (> (forward-line) 0) (if (looking-at "  ") (delete-char 2)))
      (goto-char (point-max))
      (delete-char -1))

(defun scheme-texidoc-transfer-deffn ()
  "Insert a docstring formatted from the leading texinfo-comments."
    ;; Find the enclosing define.
    (unless (looking-at "(define")
      (error "needs love to find (define"))
    (let* ((defpt (point))
           (tx-st (find-deffn-above))     ; texi start
           (tx-nd (find-end-deffn-below)) ; texi end
           (scm-buf (current-buffer)))    ; user buffer
      ;; Copy texi to working buffer and remove leading comment chars.
      (set-buffer (get-buffer-create scheme-texidoc-texi-buffer-name))
      (insert-buffer-substring scm-buf tx-st tx-nd)
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (while (looking-at ";;")
        (delete-char 2)
        (if (looking-at " ") (delete-char 1))
      ;; Generate info format.
      (goto-char (point-min)) (insert "\n")
      (goto-char (point-max)) (insert "\n")
      (texi2any-on-region (point-min) (point-max))
      ;; Copy into working Scheme buffer.
      (set-buffer (get-buffer scheme-texidoc-text-buffer-name))
      (let* ((pt-st (point-min))
             (pt-nd (point-max))
             (text (buffer-substring pt-st pt-nd)))
        (switch-to-buffer scm-buf)
        ;; Position to insert point.
        (goto-char defpt)
        ;; Insert text from bufffer and indent.
        (let ((inspt (point)))
          (insert "\"" text "\"\n")
          (goto-char inspt)

(provide 'scheme-texidoc)

;; --- last line ---

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