Le 2018-08-31 20:00, Amirouche Boubekki a écrit :
Please reply to this email with details such:

- mentor / mentoree
- GMT+n
- programming experience
- interests

Hello Guilers !

I'm from the mentoree crew.
UTC/GMT+2 (Around Paris, France)

About 4 years of programming experience in lot of fields...

Embedded programming (C and ASM on MCU), Java, Ada, Javascript, and more recently Guile and Rust !

I would like to discover GNU system programming and I think C + Guile are a good toolkit to do that (Hurd, Guix). Also I pretty like the "Clean Code" stuff around OOP and I would like to discover the functional side of it (the patterns, good practices, etc...) to get the power you see? Pretty motivated to contribute to projects, even one of my hypothetical mentor.

Keep in touch !
Happy Hacking

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