Hi John,

John Cowan <co...@ccil.org> writes:

> Distinguo.  I have not *pressured* the author to dual license; that is, I
> have not exercised force or undue influence (of which I have none).

According to <https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pressure#Verb>, "pressure"
means: "To encourage or heavily exert force or influence", and according
to <https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/encourage#Verb>, "encourage" means
(among other senses) "To spur on, strongly recommend."

As an example use of the word "pressure", wiktionary offers this:

  Do not let anyone pressure you into buying something you do not want.

For another source, according to

  "If you put pressure on someone, you try to cause that person to do
  something by persuading or threatening them"

Here, I used the word "pressure" in the sense of to "persuade" or to
"spur on, strongly recommend."

Therefore, I think I used the word correctly here.


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