On 2020-02-09 21:36, Stefan Israelsson Tampe wrote:
in sys that is

On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 9:36 PM Stefan Israelsson Tampe
<stefan.ita...@gmail.com> wrote:

OKey, I changed the values from immutable lists to lists.


On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 9:27 PM Stefan Israelsson Tampe
<stefan.ita...@gmail.com> wrote:

Note that a lot of things are untested because I'm alone on the

Ok, I understand.

I haven't been able to build a recent version, but if you can share some updated instructions, then I could perhaps help out with some occasional testing. I have only managed to build from the old commit fc0d7a9 by updating the current python-on-guile guix package locally.

netlib is not included, you can test to add the python module file
to a (language python module) directory

What's been working for me so far is only (load "path/to/file.py") and (load-compiled "path/to/file.go").

(use-modules (a b c)) did not work for me, except to load modules already shipped with python-on-guile repo; (language python module python) etc.

I have recently added much more of the python stdlib aka 3.7 but not

Not sure what you mean by .scm file and .py fle when it comes to
using that module in scheme gives
scheme@(guile-user)> (b64decode (b64encode "abc"))
$2 = b'abc'
scheme@(guile-user)> (b64decode (b64encode #(1 2 3)))
$3 = b'\x01\x02\x03'

Which return a bytevector if you want a string back you need to
interpret the bytevector back to a string

Im getting weird results when trying to output the base64 representation of a string, take btest.py:
  #import sys
  import base64
  def mybmethod(x):
      mybytes = bytes(x, "utf-8")
      encodedbytes = base64.b64encode(mybytes)
      myb64string = str(encodedbytes, "utf-8")
      return myb64string

and assume btest.scm using it with:
  (add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename)))
  (use-modules (language python module python))
  (load "btest.py")
  (define-public (mybmethodscm cmdline)
    (display (mybmethod (cadr cmdline))))

With this it will not work to run the scheme file with
  guile -e mybmethodscm btest.scm dfasdf

The error I got indicated that btest.py uses the bytes procedure from within python-on-guile instead of from the python3 base64 lib:


In /home/user1/VirtualHome/src/code_guile/python-on-guile-test/btest.scm:
    18:11  4 (mybmethodscm _)
In btest.py:
   10:584  3 (_ "dfasdf" . _)
In oop/pf-objects.scm:
   584:15  2 (create-object _ _)
   567:11  1 (the-create-object _ _)
In language/python/bytes.scm:
     99:6  0 Exception thrown while printing backtrace:
Unbound slot in object Error while printing exception.

language/python/bytes.scm:99:6: Wrong number of arguments to #<procedure 7f2bab5d4560 at language/python/bytes.scm:92:0 (self) | (self s)>


For a moment though, I could run:

   guile -e mybmethodscm btest.scm dfasdf | rev | base64 -d | rev
   # gives: dfasdf

which was also strange.

modules are a bit difficult as I use the guile module system and the
python modules are different.
So nested modules needs some work. The best is to test and see.

Ok, got it!

I will look into the sys thingies


On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 8:40 PM david larsson
<david.lars...@selfhosted.xyz> wrote:
Thanks for your explanations, but unfortunately I still can't figure
how to use this except in the simplest of cases.

I am using the guix package python-on-guile 0.1.0-3.00a51a2 - maybe
thats outdated?

The simple things I have managed to do, are like:

(add-to-load-path (dirname (current-filename)))
(load-compiled python-test.go)

where python-test.go is compiled with:

guild compile python-test.py --output=python-test.go

and contains simple things, like:

a = s + 1
return a

but if I add statements to python-test.py like:

import netaddr
def myfun(a)
<something using netaddr>

(netaddr is a module installed via: pip3 install --user netaddr)

I receive an error about not finding the module.

I am able to add only the modules which exist in the python-on-guile

repo, like:

import sys
import base64

but Im getting errors, for example Im not able to use things from

sys.path.insert(0, <somepath>)

I was able to use some things from base64 but I only received weird
results when converting between bytevectors and strings between the
file and .py file. What works fine using python3 python-test.py do
usually work when passing either a bytevector or string to the same
go-compiled file from the .scm file using the python-code. Not sure
whether there's a problem using python3 vs python2 here?

Essentially, what Im looking for is how to proceed if I want to use
modules installed via the pip package manager from guile, and what
and imports I need to make, and how I might need to wrap them
in the scheme and python files to invoke a pip package procedure

Best regards,

On 2020-02-09 18:59, Stefan Israelsson Tampe wrote:
I'm the author of that lib.


The main bindings are reachable through (language python module

So you could now go ahead and do
(use-modules (language python module python))
;L python

And you will get a python shell that works quite ok for one liners


If you write a module and place it in a/b/c.py
you can use the classes and functions theirin by

(use-modules (a b c))

you can load a .py file as (i hope this work)
(load "a.py")

If you place a module in (language python module a.py) you can
ir as a usual mode as
from a import *

The documentation is for the macro framework that enables you to
with python classes and idioms like python iteration.

Hope this helps

On Sun, Feb 9, 2020 at 6:31 PM david larsson
<david.lars...@selfhosted.xyz> wrote:

Hi everyone,
I am trying to wrap my head around how to use the python-on-guile
library, but Im struggling. Does anyone have example code that

help, and which isn't too advanced?

All tips and suggestions appreciated!

Best regards,

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