Thanks for your grammar :).

I extended the grammar and it now is able to parse all *.bp files i have
tested from the android10_r52 source tree!

That means i now have to do something useful with the peg tree. How does
it work? I don'tknow exactly what to do from here. I guess i have to walk
the tree somehow and execute the rules as i go, but i don't have a clue
how to do this :/.

The current program looks like this:

(use-modules (ice-9 peg)
             (ice-9 pretty-print)
             (ice-9 rdelim))

(define *bp*
  (read-delimited "" (open-input-file (cadr (command-line))) 'concat))

  "blueprint  <-- (comment* (ws? defvar ws?)* module* comment*)* .*
   module     <-- rule ws? map ws?
   rule       <-- 'cc_binary_host' / 'cc_test_library' / 'cc_test_host' /
                 'cc_binary' / 'cc_test' /'cc_library_host_static' /
                 'cc_library_static' / 'cc_library_shared' /
                 'cc_library_headers' / 'cc_library' / 'cc_defaults' /
                 'cc_benchmark' / 'python_test_host' / 'genrule' / 'filegroup' /
                 'ndk_headers' / 'ndk_library' / 'llndk_library' /
                 'python_binary_host' / 'cc_prebuilt_binary' / 'prebuilt_etc' /
                 'python_defaults' / 'phony'
   defvar     <-- var ws? eq ws? value

   eq         < '='
   nl         < '\n'
   ws         < (' ' / '\t' / nl)+
   comma      < ','
   colon      < ':'
   maplb      < '{'
   maprb      < '}'
   listlb     < '['
   listrb     < ']'
   comment    < ws? '//' ( . !nl )* . ws?
   strb       < '\"'

   append     <-- '+'

   key        <-- ws? (comment ws?)* [-a-zA-Z0-9_]+
   bool       <-- 'true' / 'false'
   integer    <-- '-'? [0-9]+
   string     <-- strb (. !strb)* . strb
   map        <-- maplb ws? maprb / maplb ws? attribute (comma comment* ws? 
attribute)* comma? ws? maprb
   attribute  <-- key ws? colon ws? expr
   expr       <-- (value ws? append ws? &value)* value
   value      <-- bool / integer / string / map / list / var
   var        <-- [-a-zA-Z0-9_]+
   list       <-- listlb ws? listrb / listlb ws? comment* ws? value (comma 
comment* ws? value)* comma? ws? comment* listrb

(pretty-print (peg:tree (match-pattern blueprint *bp*)))

And a *very long* parse tree is here:

     (rule "cc_defaults")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adb_defaults"))))
             (key "cflags")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "-Wall"))
                                ((value (string "-Wextra"))
                                 (value (string "-Werror"))
                                 (value (string "-Wexit-time-destructors"))
                                 (value (string "-Wno-unused-parameter"))
                                 (value (string
                                 (value (string "-Wthread-safety"))
                                 (value (string "-Wvla"))
                                 (value (string "-DADB_HOST=1"))
                                 (value (string "-DALLOW_ADBD_ROOT=0")))))))
             (key "cpp_std")
             (expr (value (string "experimental"))))
             (key "use_version_lib")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "compile_multilib")
             (expr (value (string "first"))))
             (key "target")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "darwin")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "host_ldlibs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
  "-framework CoreFoundation"))
  "-framework IOKit"))
                                 (key "windows")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "cflags")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
                                                     (key "host_ldlibs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
     (rule "cc_defaults")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adbd_defaults"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_defaults"))))))
             (key "cflags")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "-UADB_HOST"))
                                (value (string "-DADB_HOST=0"))))))
             (key "product_variables")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "debuggable")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "cflags")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
     (rule "cc_defaults")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "host_adbd_supported"))))
             (key "host_supported")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "target")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "linux")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "enabled")
                                                     (expr (value (bool 
                                                     (key "host_ldlibs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
                                  (key "darwin")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "enabled")
                                                      (expr (value (bool 
                                  (key "windows")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "enabled")
                                                      (expr (value (bool 
      (var "libadb_srcs")
      (value (list (value (string "adb.cpp"))
                   ((value (string "adb_io.cpp"))
                    (value (string "adb_listeners.cpp"))
                    (value (string "adb_trace.cpp"))
                    (value (string "adb_unique_fd.cpp"))
                    (value (string "adb_utils.cpp"))
                    (value (string "fdevent.cpp"))
                    (value (string "services.cpp"))
                    (value (string "sockets.cpp"))
                    (value (string "socket_spec.cpp"))
                    (value (string "sysdeps/errno.cpp"))
                    (value (string "transport.cpp"))
                    (value (string "transport_fd.cpp"))
                    (value (string "transport_local.cpp"))
                    (value (string "transport_usb.cpp"))))))
      (var "libadb_posix_srcs")
      (value (list (value (string "sysdeps_unix.cpp"))
                   (value (string "sysdeps/posix/network.cpp")))))
      (var "libadb_test_srcs")
      (value (list (value (string "adb_io_test.cpp"))
                   ((value (string "adb_listeners_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "adb_utils_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "fdevent_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "socket_spec_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "socket_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "sysdeps_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "sysdeps/stat_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "transport_test.cpp"))
                    (value (string "types_test.cpp")))))))
      (rule "cc_library_host_static")
      (map (attribute
             (key "name")
             (expr (value (string "libadb_host"))))
              (key "defaults")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_defaults"))))))
              (key "srcs")
              (expr ((value (var "libadb_srcs")) (append "+"))
                    (value (list (value (string "client/auth.cpp"))
                                 ((value (string "client/usb_libusb.cpp"))
                                  (value (string "client/usb_dispatch.cpp"))
                                  (value (string
              (key "generated_headers")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "platform_tools_version"))))))
              (key "target")
              (expr (value (map (attribute
                                  (key "linux")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "srcs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
                                   (key "darwin")
                                   (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                       (key "srcs")
                                                       (expr (value (list 
(value (string
                                   (key "not_windows")
                                   (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                       (key "srcs")
                                                       (expr (value (var 
                                   (key "windows")
                                   (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                       (key "enabled")
                                                       (expr (value (bool 
                                                        (key "srcs")
                                                        (expr (value (list 
(value (string
((value (string
(value (string
(value (string
                                                        (key "shared_libs")
                                                        (expr (value (list 
(value (string
              (key "static_libs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "libbase"))
                                 ((value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                  (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))
                                  (value (string "libmdnssd"))
                                  (value (string "libusb"))
                                  (value (string "libutils"))
                                  (value (string "liblog"))
                                  (value (string "libcutils"))))))))))
      (rule "cc_test_host")
      (map (attribute
             (key "name")
             (expr (value (string "adb_test"))))
              (key "defaults")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_defaults"))))))
              (key "srcs")
              (expr (value (var "libadb_test_srcs"))))
              (key "static_libs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "libadb_host"))
                                 ((value (string "libbase"))
                                  (value (string "libcutils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                  (value (string "libmdnssd"))
                                  (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))
                                  (value (string "libusb")))))))
              (key "target")
              (expr (value (map (attribute
                                  (key "windows")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "enabled")
                                                      (expr (value (bool 
                                                      (key "shared_libs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
      (rule "cc_benchmark")
      (map (attribute
             (key "name")
             (expr (value (string "adb_benchmark"))))
              (key "defaults")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_defaults"))))))
              (key "srcs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "transport_benchmark.cpp"))))))
              (key "target")
              (expr (value (map (attribute
                                  (key "android")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "static_libs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
                                  (key "host")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "static_libs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
              (key "static_libs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "libbase"))
                                 ((value (string "libcutils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                  (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))
                                  (value (string "liblog"))
                                  (value (string "libusb"))))))))))
      (rule "cc_binary_host")
      (map (attribute
             (key "name")
             (expr (value (string "adb"))))
              (key "defaults")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_defaults"))))))
              (key "srcs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "client/adb_client.cpp"))
                                 ((value (string "client/bugreport.cpp"))
                                  (value (string "client/commandline.cpp"))
                                  (value (string
                                  (value (string "client/main.cpp"))
                                  (value (string "client/console.cpp"))
                                  (value (string "client/adb_install.cpp"))
                                  (value (string "client/line_printer.cpp"))
                                  (value (string
              (key "static_libs")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "libadb_host"))
                                 ((value (string "libbase"))
                                  (value (string "libcutils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                  (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                  (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))
                                  (value (string "liblog"))
                                  (value (string "libmdnssd"))
                                  (value (string "libusb"))
                                  (value (string "libutils"))
                                  (value (string "liblog"))
                                  (value (string "libcutils")))))))
              (key "stl")
              (expr (value (string "libc++_static"))))
              (key "shared_libs")
              (expr (value list)))
              (key "required")
              (expr (value (list (value (string "deploypatchgenerator"))))))
              (key "dist")
              (expr (value (map (attribute
                                  (key "targets")
                                  (expr (value (list (value (string
                                                     ((value (string "sdk"))
                                                      (value (string
              (key "target")
              (expr (value (map (attribute
                                  (key "darwin")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "cflags")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
                                  (key "windows")
                                  (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                      (key "enabled")
                                                      (expr (value (bool 
                                                       (key "ldflags")
                                                       (expr (value (list 
(value (string
                                                       (key "shared_libs")
                                                       (expr (value (list 
(value (string
                                                       (key "required")
                                                       (expr (value (list 
(value (string
     (rule "cc_library_static")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "libadbd_core"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))
                                (value (string "host_adbd_supported"))))))
             (key "recovery_available")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "compile_multilib")
             (expr (value (string "both"))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (((value (var "libadb_srcs")) (append "+"))
                    ((value (var "libadb_posix_srcs")) (append "+")))
                   (value (list (value (string "daemon/auth.cpp"))
                                (value (string "daemon/jdwp_service.cpp"))))))
             (key "local_include_dirs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "daemon/include"))))))
             (key "generated_headers")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "platform_tools_version"))))))
             (key "static_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))))))
             (key "shared_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libasyncio"))
                                ((value (string "libbase"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                 (value (string "libcutils"))
                                 (value (string "liblog")))))))
             (key "target")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "android")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "whole_static_libs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
                                                     (key "srcs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
                                 (key "linux_glibc")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "srcs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
     (rule "cc_library")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "libadbd_services"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))
                                (value (string "host_adbd_supported"))))))
             (key "recovery_available")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "compile_multilib")
             (expr (value (string "both"))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "daemon/file_sync_service.cpp"))
                                ((value (string "daemon/services.cpp"))
                                 (value (string "daemon/shell_service.cpp"))
                                 (value (string
             (key "cflags")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "-D_GNU_SOURCE"))
                                (value (string
             (key "static_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd_core"))
                                (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))))))
             (key "shared_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libasyncio"))
                                ((value (string "libbase"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                 (value (string "libcutils"))
                                 (value (string "liblog")))))))
             (key "product_variables")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "debuggable")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "required")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
             (key "target")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "android")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "srcs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
                                                      (key "static_libs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
                                                      (key "shared_libs")
                                                      (expr (value (list (value 
((value (string
(value (string
(value (string
(value (string
(value (string
                                 (key "recovery")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "exclude_srcs")
                                                     (expr (value (list (value 
     (rule "cc_library")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "libadbd"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))
                                (value (string "host_adbd_supported"))))))
             (key "recovery_available")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "use_version_lib")
             (expr (value (bool "false"))))
             (key "compile_multilib")
             (expr (value (string "both"))))
             (key "whole_static_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd_core"))))))
             (key "shared_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd_services"))
                                ((value (string "libasyncio"))
                                 (value (string "libbase"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                 (value (string "libcutils"))
                                 (value (string "liblog")))))))
             (key "export_include_dirs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "daemon/include")))))))))
     (rule "cc_binary")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adbd"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))
                                (value (string "host_adbd_supported"))))))
             (key "recovery_available")
             (expr (value (bool "true"))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "daemon/main.cpp"))))))
             (key "cflags")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "-D_GNU_SOURCE"))
                                (value (string
             (key "strip")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "keep_symbols")
                                 (expr (value (bool "true"))))))))
             (key "shared_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd"))
                                ((value (string "libadbd_services"))
                                 (value (string "libbase"))
                                 (value (string "libcap"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                 (value (string "libcutils"))
                                 (value (string "liblog"))
                                 (value (string "libminijail"))
                                 (value (string "libselinux"))))))))))
     (rule "cc_binary")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "abb"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))))))
             (key "recovery_available")
             (expr (value (bool "false"))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "daemon/abb.cpp"))))))
             (key "cflags")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "-D_GNU_SOURCE"))
                                (value (string
             (key "strip")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "keep_symbols")
                                 (expr (value (bool "true"))))))))
             (key "static_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd_core"))
                                ((value (string "libadbd_services"))
                                 (value (string "libcmd")))))))
             (key "shared_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libbase"))
                                ((value (string "libbinder"))
                                 (value (string "liblog"))
                                 (value (string "libutils"))
                                 (value (string "libselinux"))))))))))
     (rule "cc_test")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adbd_test"))))
             (key "defaults")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adbd_defaults"))))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr ((value (var "libadb_test_srcs")) (append "+"))
                   (value (list (value (string "daemon/services.cpp"))
                                ((value (string "daemon/shell_service.cpp"))
                                 (value (string
                                 (value (string "shell_service_protocol.cpp"))
                                 (value (string
             (key "static_libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "libadbd"))
                                ((value (string "libbase"))
                                 (value (string "libbootloader_message"))
                                 (value (string "libcutils"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto_utils"))
                                 (value (string "libcrypto"))
                                 (value (string "libdiagnose_usb"))
                                 (value (string "liblog"))
                                 (value (string "libusb"))
                                 (value (string "libmdnssd"))
                                 (value (string "libselinux")))))))
             (key "test_suites")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "device-tests")))))))))
     (rule "python_test_host")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adb_integration_test_adb"))))
             (key "main")
             (expr (value (string ""))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string ""))))))
             (key "test_config")
             (expr (value (string "adb_integration_test_adb.xml"))))
             (key "test_suites")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "general-tests"))))))
             (key "version")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "py2")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "enabled")
                                                     (expr (value (bool 
                                 (key "py3")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "enabled")
                                                     (expr (value (bool 
     (rule "python_test_host")
     (map (attribute
            (key "name")
            (expr (value (string "adb_integration_test_device"))))
             (key "main")
             (expr (value (string ""))))
             (key "srcs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string ""))))))
             (key "libs")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "adb_py"))))))
             (key "test_config")
             (expr (value (string "adb_integration_test_device.xml"))))
             (key "test_suites")
             (expr (value (list (value (string "general-tests"))))))
             (key "version")
             (expr (value (map (attribute
                                 (key "py2")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "enabled")
                                                     (expr (value (bool 
                                 (key "py3")
                                 (expr (value (map (attribute
                                                     (key "enabled")
                                                     (expr (value (bool 

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