
Thank you for this interesting work.

On Fri, 10 Apr 2020 at 15:41, Stefan Israelsson Tampe
<> wrote:

> I'm pleased to announce python on guile 1.2. This version increases the
> correctness of the parser as well as adding quite a number of system py
> files that compiles as an example the we can now generate python ast from
> the compiler. Also some work to improve speed have been done.

What do you mean by "now generate python AST from the compiler"?
Do you mean that now python-on-guile can compile the python module
named ast ('import ast')?

> Python on guile is both a python clone and a macro framework where python
> objects and methods can be used in pure scheme code. There is some
> significant  speed penalty due to this and a perfect match between python
> modules and guile modules has not been achieved.

If I understand correctly, python-on-guile is a first step similar to
Hy [1] but using the Guile compiler tower instead of one of the Python
interpreters, right?


> Sources (make sure to use the latest dependencies):

The current version in Guix is 0.1.0-3.00a51a2 using Guile 2.2.
Does it work on Guile 3?

And are the latest dependencies?

All the best,

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