I’m pleased to announce Guile-SQLite3 version 0.1.1:

  git clone https://notabug.org/guile-sqlite3/guile-sqlite3.git
  cd guile-sqlite3
  git checkout v0.1.1
  git tag -v v0.1.1

The ‘git tag -v’ command checks the authenticity of your checkout.
You may need to retrieve the signing key first:

  gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net
  --recv-keys 76CEC6B17274B465C02DB3D9E71A35542C30BAA5

Guile-SQLite3 provides Guile 2.x and Guile 3.x bindings to the SQLite database
It was originally written by Andy Wingo, with contributions from several

Changes to the previous release are:

* sqlite-finalize: Reset statement when called on cached statement.
* Fix memory management of retrieved blob values.


Attachment: pgpsg5HEuZ6FF.pgp
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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